Can someone give me a comparison with prep school dorms?
Despite rigorous academics and wonderful faculty, I think that dorms should be considered when applying to a school as a boarder.
I personally thought that the Loomis dorms were okay while the Miss. Porter’s dorms were quite small…
Any other reviews of any schools would be great 
Taft’s dorms = hotels (Congdon?!?! OMG)
Groton’s are really nice. Andover and Exeter vary, but the ones I saw were decent.
The only school whose dorms I didn’t like is Solebury (they’re tiny!). Most dorms are really nice.
You like Grotons dorms? So many people are turned off by the 3/4 walls in the third form dorms. My son doesn’t mind them, but is looking forward to having real walls next year. Also, in the third form dorms at Groton the doors don’t lock. That surprised me a bit. I wonder if other schools have rooms with locks.
Am I the only one that goes to a prep school that isn’t a boarding school?
Ross School out on long island has actually houses instead of dorms. They look awesome!
Those houses look AMAZING!!!
I also thought that choate freshmen dorms were very small but out interviewer said that all the dorms got larger as you moved your way up to a senior. Also, rumors claim that Lawrenceville has good dorms.
Most BS dorms are much nicer than college dorms.
Really? Could you elaborate?
@GSchools To expand on @doschicos’ post, most BS dorms are much nicer than college dorms because they have more money to spend on less students. At least, that’s my reasoning.
And I totally agree with stargirl. Taft recent renovated both of their freshmen girls dorms (Mac and Congdon) and they literally look like hotels. I kid you not.
A lot of college dorms are big and impersonal, with cookie cutter rooms. BS dorms tend to be smaller with more character. Also, given the lack of partying - at least out in the open partying
- they are well maintained and they don’t get trashed. There are dorm clean up duties, and room checks, and adult supervision, which helps maintain them as well. Rooms tend to be bigger, on average, at boarding school. At least that has been our families’ experience visiting dozens of colleges.
@whatever4ever and @doschicos Thank you for all the explanations! I actually visited Taft earlier this year during my application process, but although I was applying as a boarder, my tour guide forgot to show me the dorms or the arts department…she was all about sports…so I do not know a single thing about them 
@GSchools - Do a google search and you’ll see some photos.
That, for me, was one of the reasons I crossed it off my list.
@skieurope Hehe, it didn’t matter to me the first two times I applied, and by the third, it wouldn’t have affected me. 
@stargirl3 That’s why I always say that fit is an important consideration when determining to which schools to apply 
Yeah, I don’t know if I could’ve fit all my stuff in a room with just 3/4 walls.
@GSchools Haha, don’t worry. My tour guide let me into the building, but I didn’t get to go inside any of the dorms.
I saw a room but I didn’t even have a real tour!
I was in a hurry, so these two girls took me on a mini tour through the main building and Congdon and I have not been able to forget the beauty of that dorm…