<p>**** I feel like I'm screwed in the ass,
I started at this place last year as a freshman, and I've been getting 3.5's ever since. That's like top 40% of our grade. What bullcrap. I have 2 years and 2 terms left to bring that up. Only if colleges could recognize the fact that getting B+ here is like an A+++ in a public school.</p>
<p>I'm striving to get into decent college at least top 20.. For extracurricular I play guitar for old people, tutor middle schoolers, and take part in a bunch of peace vigils. But anyone can do that. I've also been traveling around the world by myself since i was 12, when I went to Japan, and Europe during the years later. I'm planning on going to Dubai next week.</p>
<p>Any advice on my situation specifically?
What do you guys do?</p>
damn, maybe not so hard if half the student body has a 3.5
<p>Exters = Hard</p>
<p>No debating allowed. Getting a B+ at Exters is a notable achievment no matter what the class rank is - it simply shows that the student body is full of truly amazing and bright people. Do any significant amount of schools offer all 33 AP classes and "Post-AP" classes?</p>
<p>I'd suggest working very hard. Many Exter's students are accepted at top 20 schools w/o being in even the top 20 deciles, but try to get as close to them as you can by working hard.</p>
<p>Don't worry. Colleges take the level of your high school into consideration and Exeter is a top top tier school. I've seen even 3.3~3.4s from prep schools getting into Wharton and such.</p>