[10 hours from ED deadline] please read my Common App essay!

<p>I just finished my essay 2 minutes ago. I know I was so stupid to start writing it that late, so I'd appreciate it very much if ANYONE can read my essay and give feedback as soon as possible. I'm going to bed now (it's 2 am here- I'm an international student) so when I wake up I'd have no more than 4 hours to read your comments and edit my essays if necessary. Thank you!</p>

<p>By the way I wrote about my getting to know about a socially inept friend, which led me to question my homogeneous and exclusive school community. I would love to hear your opinion about that topic (not that it'd change anything, I'm not gonna write another essay). </p>

<p>Also, specific aspects of the essay on which I really want to hear your comments include:
_ whether you get the impression that my essay focuses more on the socially inept friend than myself.
_ how I can polish my language use. Because I didn't have much time, I put a lot of emphasis on the plot of the story. The language in the essay IMO is very simple and ordinary, so this worries me a little
_ how should I shorten my essay (currently about 950 words)</p>


<p>i’ll take a look if you like</p>

<p>i’ll take a look at it!</p>

<p>i’ll read it if you want.</p>

<p>pmed everyone.
and what’s wrong with the post order???</p>

<p>i can read it.</p>

<p>Sure, I’ll read it when I get a chance</p>

<p>if you’re worried about people stealing your essay feel free to email me at my school account… but I’d prefer a pm</p>

<p><a href=“mailto:sxkamboj@ucdavis.edu”>sxkamboj@ucdavis.edu</a></p>