<p>Are we sure this kid ran off because of wanting a pricey school? </p>
<p>Basically, as I read this, I think the kid is a senior in HS and so he is currently waiting on admissions. I am curious what blew up to make him want to move out of the house. What was said about tuition that escalated to, “I’m moving out.”? </p>
<p>My son (18), love him and hate him these days, had a big meltdown yesterday as he thought we (me in particular) were causing too much stress in his life. It’s not our expectations, cause he pointed out he gets great grades (true). But that his meltdown on how we are his biggest stressors followed our concern about his seriously expanding case of senioritis, I felt like he was using this as a way to guilt me and/or merely change the subject of the issue at hand, which was his being a second semester senior who was spending a little too much time hanging out with friends and basically just showing up at home to sleep and occasionally eat on the weekends. In other words, it was about his thinking he was now 18 and had no curfew and could stay out, etc.</p>
<p>Anyway… he stomped out last night and ended up yelling all this stuff about needing to get away from our control etc and wanting to move out. He did not take his car - as it is our car if you wanna get technical – and was then was gone for a good hour on foot -</p>
<p>oh yeah, we had already said he was staying in last night (thus the meltdown)… I was thinking he had someone come and pick him up, but thankfully he was truly just walking off his anger. Somehow this morning he acted all very nice and in true dysfunctional form learned in my husband’s family, we didn’t really broach the subject. To bring it up again, I would be accused by my son of “here you go again.” or “See. Why can’t she ever leave it alone?” </p>
<p>I didn’t sense he was thinking entitled even though most schools he applied to were 50K. But I think it’s more about he doesn’t even think about money because we haven’t told him to. In any event, I think it’s a little bit of senioritis around here that causing strain. And I was told a long time ago that this is the way it goes this time of year because so much is uncertain in their lives AND it’s nature’s way of saying “don’t let the screen door hit you in the butt” when they leave in the fall for real.</p>
<p>As to the OP, it just seems to me that this is a strange meltdown this late in the game if they really do have concerns about spending 50K on an education. Why did they let him even apply if they weren’t willing to spend the money or make it clear it was dependent on fi-aid if he got in? </p>
<p>As for Consolation’s story: Is the kid talking to his parents again?</p>