19 units– crazy or manageable?

I wrote this post on the UCSB forum earlier, but I though I’d take a shot at reaching out to the general UC forum as well

I’m an incoming Sophomore (Junior standing Winter 2017) and I want to get as many classes under my belt as possible seeing as I’m planning a double major (181 units total) and a possible minor (~30 units, most of which already count for prerequisite requirements in the two majors). I like to think I’m decent at time management and I have yet to find myself buried under loads of homework. Last quarter, I took two rigorous quarters (my first quarter of my freshman year I decided to stick with 12 units) and I did fine, maintaining a fairly high GPA. Both were within the 17-18 unit range with 5 classes. I’m already ahead in units and major requirements, but I’m also planning on going abroad, which can put me behind. I thought I’d lighten my schedule for the future and take a quarter with 19 units (one honors seminar, three writing classes, and one foreign language course), and I feel that I can do a good job, but I’m concerned that I’m just being over-confident. If anyone has any experience with taking 19+ units, I’d really appreciate your input! Thanks.

that is a LOT but, since you are entering your second year, you should have a good feel for your academic capabilities.