1900 SAT score vs. low 700 SAT II score

<p>If I am aiming for top UCs (Berkeley, LA, SD) and Stanford (reach) and have a 1800-1900 SAT score with 720 Math II and 740 Bio, what should I take this coming December to increase my chances?</p>

<p>Which would be easier to improve and would increase my chances more? Thanks.</p>

<p>if you’re in cali, you should have a pretty good chance as it is with SAT II’s i’m guessing?
im just a n00b, but i hear it’s a LOT easier to get into the UC’s when you live in cali. either way, you prbly want to bump your SAT I score up to above 2000.</p>

<p>question though; if i have high 600’s SAT II’s, but a SUPER low math SAT II (like, 610 math 1? xO i suck at math), but i do ED to Tufts, what are my chances?</p>

<p>Remember that I’m not an expert, but it seems to me that you have the necessary SAT II scores but your SAT score is too low for those schools. Take a look at the individual school’s website and find the Common Data Set which under subsection C will tell you what percent of students scored what on each individual section of the SAT.</p>

<p>Yeah, I understand that my SAT I scores are low for the schools. I just took the SAT I and I think I’ll get anywhere from 1800-2000s (depending on luck). </p>

<p>I have an excellent GPA though (4.2+). </p>

<p>So if I bump my SAT scores up to 2000s, that will increase my chances more than if I get 750+ on Math IIC?</p>

<p>How about a >2000 for SAT but a moderate SAT II physics score? like 600:(</p>

<p>no question you should retake the sat I.</p>

<p>Honestly, if you study hard for the next month, you should be able to boost your scores about 2000. At least on the writing section, test prep helps A LOT.</p>

<p>your sat 2’s are great, but your sat 1’s are low enough to ruin your Stanford application.</p>

<p>That’s what I’d do, but you should consult other people and trust your instincts. IF you feel that you will be able to get 800s on bio and math 2 but dont think you can up your sat 1 at all (tho you should be able to bring up your wtiting score with prep), maybe you should take the sat 2s</p>

<p>Definitely SAT I. It should be much easier to raise, too… 600’s are usually easier to get up then 700’s.</p>

<p>So do you guys think I can get my SAT I up to at least 2000 if I study writing rules and practice CR? </p>

<p>I haven’t studied biology for a few months and I don’t think I’ll study too much of Math IIC (because I always say I will, but never do). </p>

<p>If I don’t study for neither, SAT I would still be easier to improve and would increase my college admission chances greater, right?</p>