2009 Admissions Decisions

<p>No judging, you expressed your opinions very nicely. It sounds to me like you feel Geneseo fits you best. If that's true, don't let the Spring admit change your mind. You are going to college for at least 8 semesters. If you spend the first one home at CC, you will save money, and then can attend the school where you feel most comfortable. That first semester goes quickly, and when you graduate with your Geneseo diploma, nobody will know you started as a second semester freshman. It won't matter.</p>

<p>Which should I chose?</p>

<p>Regular acceptance at SUNY Geneseo?</p>

<p>Presidential Scholarship, Honors College at SUNY Albany?</p>

<p>They are very different schools. At both you will get a great SUNY education. Geneseo...small town, pretty campus, trees, grass, ivey covered walls. Albany...city type of town...not very pretty campus...mostly cement and concrete campus, tall, high dorms with many floors. Have you visited? Whats your major? Is the scholarship money a big decision in how you will finance your education?</p>

<p>Moneybob --</p>

<p>Hunter is fabulous for secondary education and the sciences are good. Although I would have recommended the Sophie Newcomb program at City College for bio stuff. </p>

<p>The other thing to remember about Macauly is you will be going to school in NYC which makes internships much easier to get. Yes in today's economy unpaid (which man that stipend helps with) but by the time you are a senior, paid ones will be back. Trust me, I've worked in NYC a number of years. It will come back.</p>

<p>MichaelaW, If you haven't all ready done so, visit both campuses ASAP before you make a commitment to either of them. Each has their own feel. Each has their own pros and cons. Put "reputation" aside and choose the school based on the feel for the campus and the surrounding area. Make your decision based on whether or not you can envision yourself being happy and content on the particular campus and in the particular surrounding area for the next four years. </p>

<p>It's time for you to make those visits. The visits will make your decision much easier. You'll know right away which campus is right for you.</p>

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>^ Best advice.</p>

<p>Put aside reputation and visit.</p>

<p>Thanks a lot for your input! I am torn between Geneseo and Macaulay. I think I would be happier in Geneseo, but money matters.</p>

<p>Congrats Sean.. I Got into Geneseo Too.. But im torn Between Albany Binghamton Geneseo And If I Get Into Stony Brook And Buffalo It Would B Worse..
Anyone Have any Advice??? =/</p>

<p>Madey -- tell us your major and interests -- and anything else to help with advice.</p>

<p>All these schools have good points --</p>

<p>got in today for fall '09!</p>

<p>There are nearly 12 applicants for every available 2009-10 slot at Geneseo State College, and the average SAT score of admitted freshmen is 1352 out of a possible 1600. </p>

<p>“Clearly, this is the best year in the college’s history,” said William Caren, associate vice president for enrollment services. “We’re dramatically more selective. Hundreds and hundreds who would have been admitted last year are on the waiting list this year.”</p>

<p><a href="http://www.buffalonews.com/home/story/616190.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.buffalonews.com/home/story/616190.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>wow geneseograd those are staggering numbers. I'm a few weeks late in posting this but...</p>

<p>select waitlist
gpa- 4.4/5 weighted, 3.7 unweighted
all ap and honors classes
sat- 1200, 1900
a few, not many ec's</p>

<p>I'll most likely be attending in the spring, unless i am miraculously accepted off the waitlist at carleton. Also, I think being out of state (i'm from new jersey) might have helped me a bit.</p>

<p>AHHHH just got my acceptance...I'm out of state too! Maryland!</p>