2009 Admissions Decisions

<p>did you mean me? as to where did he go? what school did he go to? Wasn't sure who you talking about...</p>

<p>^the TOP program is the transitional opportunity program..its basically the same as eop and aop.
Programs</a> Overview</p>

<p>ddotjon- where did ur son end up?</p>

<p>morvoren- yes where did your son end up also?</p>

<p>bri1291991. congratulations i've been accepted as an EOP applicant. If i do to choose geneseo over bing, i'll be excited to see you there !</p>

<p>Batgirl....he ended up at James Madison University/VA. He was accepted at VTECH, Mary Washington, Suny New Paltz/select waitlist at Geneseo, denied at Bing, accepted to Oneonta, Plattsburgh, Oswego, SUNY/Buffalo. It was a toss up for Fall 2008 between New Paltz/JMU. He decided on JMU, with the Geneseo select wait list/Spring 2009 transfer on hold, if JMU didn't work out. Turned out he loves JMU, and wouldn't want to transfer out now. Just my luck, OOS tuition to JMU for FOUR Years!!!!!!!!!!!!</p>

<p>ddotjon-I was also select wait listed at Geneseo. I am still waiting to hear from Bing but if I am denied, it is between New Paltz or going to a community college and hitting Geneseo up on their spring admission offer.</p>

<p>NP is my #3 choice following Geneseo and Binghamton. My parents are really encouraging me to go the Geneseo route because they think that one should go to their number one choice if presented with the opportunity. Anyways, I am asking for your prospective and possibly your son's prosepective on New Paltz.</p>

<p>Sean -- a few questions -- do you have friends that you can visit at Geneso over a couple of fall weekends to try to meet people? Does the school do anything to try to integrate January admits (academically and socially)? Can you get soemone at Geneeso to discuss your fall CC schedule and transfer issues?</p>

<p>Binghamton's "middle 50%" of SAT supposedly start at 1190; Geneseo's at 1260 - but it looks like a lot of posters on CC and kids I know IRL were denied at Bing and into Geneseo.</p>


<p>I think the problem is that Binghamton historically takes OOS kids with lower stats. So if you are instate and not EOP, the numbers that Binghamton posts just dont apply to you. I dont begrudge the EOP kids needing an extra hand. It is the OOS kids with lower stats and the below market OOS tuition at Binghamton that is annoying.</p>

<p>Muffy- There are a lot of factors which affect those numbers. As kayf outlined, those numbers include not only EOP candidates and OOS kids, but athletes, INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS and art majors. I know for a fact at Binghamton if you are an art major (photography,theater, etc.), admissions is more lenient because one meets the criteria of "skill that enhances the Binghamton community". Bing accepts tons of artsy&international kids to enhance their diversity.</p>

<p>kayf- I know a lot of kids that go to Geneseo and are going to Geneseo in the fall. I could easily go up there on the weekends. From what I hear, Geneseo does little on their part to ensure a smooth social transition but I think they fall into the majority in that category. I also heard from a student that transferred their last year in the spring say that the transfers register last for classes so the times are bad (I guess that's what one has to sacrifice if they want to transfer). Geneseo itself told me they anticipate transfers and supposedly block some seats off in every class so that won't happen. Makes sense, but I don't know if one can believe that. Geneseo also told me that they would work with me and my community college to set all my courses up so I would transfer flawlessly. It is not so much the transferring I am worried about but the fact that all my best friends are going away to college in the fall so I'll just be hanging out at the home with nothing to do. I also can't stand the environment of my local community college.</p>

<p>Its brutal I know -- one of my Ds friends did it last year. Your parents will kill me for saying this, but his parents made a compromise that they would pay for a nice spring break if he did it.</p>

<p>Looking for advice: Geneseo or Macaulay Honors at Hunter College?</p>

<p>Major? Plans.</p>

<p>I am still thinking about major. Possibly biochemistry... Or maybe secondary education.. I don't know yet. :-(</p>

<p>Both have great reputations if you want to teach. I think they're kind of polar opposites in terms of city/rural campus, though. Do you get dorms with Macaulay?</p>

<p>Yes. It is a sweet deal for Macaulay - free tuition, free mac laptop, and free dorm. In addition to it 7.5K grant for study abroad or unpaid internships. It is really hard to choose.</p>

<p>My son was in that same situation last year. We both liked New Paltz and Geneseo a lot. </p>

<p>He was accepted Fall/New Paltz, Spring Geneseo. Waiting a semester, going to CC for fall, does not seem appealing at this time. </p>

<p>However, the Fall semester will go fast, and if you wait, you will start in Spring at Geneseo, like a lot of other Fall freshman/and transfers, and it will be fine.</p>

<p>Have you visited both schools? If you didn't, try to, if possible. If you do, and one really strikes you like it is for you, then go there. </p>

<p>My son was leaning towards Geneso vs. New Paltz, strictly on the basis of reputation alone, not really considering what he liked best.</p>

<p>He considered going to New Paltz, for Fall, then keeping the Spring admit to Geneseo on hold, if New Paltz did not work out.</p>

<p>He has a few freshman friends at Geneseo, now. One likes it, one is trying to transfer to New Paltz, but hasn't been accepted to New Paltz yet.</p>

<p>He also has freshman friends at New Paltz, 2 or 3, who like it and are staying there, so far.</p>

<p>Also, we have heard from a lot of kids, the work at Geneseo is hard. You really need to be able to commit to the school work there, and to put the time in.
He ended up at JMU, basically to get out of NY, and try something really new and different. </p>

<p>Basically, he went with his gut feeling, and it worked out well for him.</p>

<p>Thanks for the input, I appreciate it.</p>

<p>I was accepted to New Paltz and visited, but here are my thoughts.</p>

<p>I love the area, surroundings and even the way the campus is set up.</p>

<p>However, their science wing appeared to be slightly outdated hence the reason why they are in the process of building a new one which will be completed right when I graduate if everything goes to plan....go figure, just my luck. Geneseo has a spectacular science complex. Best I have seen in terms of SUNY.</p>

<p>I was told that last year if you submitted your deposit to New Paltz to after March 1st, you were most likely tripled. I don't think I could deal with that. How do I know this year will be the same? Well, I don't but the article last week in the New York Times specifically mentions New Paltz and how their yield is up, blah blah,all that good stuff- makes me suspect that this year could be worse.</p>

<p>I'm about 4 hours from New Paltz and I tend to be a very home oriented person. While I could easily adapt to living away from home if I really wanted to, it would be ideal to be within 2 hours or so of my home.</p>

<p>Without trying to sound conceited, even though I will, the atmosphere and students of New Paltz kind of bother me at times. Again, not a huge factor, so please don't judge me haha.</p>

<p>Basically, the fact that I will be tripled bothers me the most. I guess I would only want to be plagued with the burden of being tripled at my number one school and New Paltz is number three on my list.</p>

<p>Don't be too confident in your belief that going to Geneseo means that you'll be less likely to be placed in a triple. There is no guarantee that you won't be tripled as a freshman. You won't know until you get your housing placement. Rather than calling the housing arrangement triples, Geneseo calls them "expanded occupancy".</p>