2012/2013 Decision Thread

<p>10 minutes</p>

<p>07DAD is hilarious</p>

<p>6 minutes and counting</p>

<p>5 minutes to go</p>

<p>you might as well have a grin-</p>

<p>2-ish minutes</p>

<p>it is time.</p>

<p>ok—what’s the news???</p>

<p>Not up on my Base Camp yet…</p>

<p>There’s nothing there… not a good sign.</p>

<p>Storm Draco strikes again!!!</p>

<p>Take a deep breath</p>

<p>I bet the CC admissions is sitting right now like “haha let’s mess with their minds and delay the decisions by 10 minutes!”</p>

<p>probably trying to see who flinches and calls them.</p>

<p>gah woke up early for this
so much suspense</p>

<p>No, I don’t think it’s been displayed for anyone. The server probably got delayed.</p>

<p>go on back to sleep</p>

<p>Issue being apparently their office closed at noon today for the entire winter break. So I don’t think we CAN call them.</p>

<p>CCbasecamp isn’t loading for me right now. Maybe that means they’re updating everything or something?</p>

<p>Reading back on the ED posts it seems as though the decisions were posted about a quarter after…</p>

<p>The postman has now become a very important person.</p>

<p>12 minutes after</p>