2014-2015 Scholarship Information is Out!

<p>I’m happy to see the changes to scholarships for the high school class of 2014. To avoid repetition, my thoughts of the changes in scholarship amounts in regards to the high school class of 2013 are posted in the other thread.</p>

<p>A little perspective please. Plans and budgets change from year to year. It is not personal. There is no entitlement. The university has made wonderful offers to our children, period. I think the very act of asking them to make an adjustment is unwarranted. Our kids are going to UA and getting a great education and basically paying nothing. It does not make sense to compare offers year over year. They are specifically set and decided upon based on variables that didn’t exist the previous year. If you are not satisfied, you have choices. Otherwise what we are discussing is sour grapes. Be happy and enjoy the wonderful offer! And, of course, Roll Tide!!!</p>

<p>Well said Dad2ILD!</p>

<p>Moving on to a slightly different topic – and trying to be useful to the students who will be the beneficiaries of this fabulous, improved NMF scholarship – one of the biggest benefits of the extension of the number of semesters of scholarship offered is in terms of summer study abroad. Previously NMFs who wanted to attend a summer abroad program almost invariably paid the tuition cost out of pocket because they didn’t want to burn a semester of their scholarship eligibility on a semester during which they would carry relatively few hours. Now students who are otherwise on track to graduate in four years can safely use a semester of tuition to study abroad over the summer. When coupled with the study abroad stipend, it should make for a very reasonably priced study abroad experience and I predict the University will see a spike in popularity of summer study abroad as a result.</p>

<p>That’s a good point, p4cx4. We considered using a semester of D’s scholarship this summer but it would have only covered about $2k out of a program fee that was near $7k (it only covers the amount considered tuition). But if you weren’t going to use a semester of scholarship at all, it would certainly be worth it to apply it to a summer study abroad program.</p>

<p>Just checked the Engineering Page and looks like the scholorships remain the same for 2014. Well, at least for us as OOS in my son’s score range! Great news! Full tuition paid will definitely be hard to resist. Now if only we can get his HS to finalize transcripts, his application will be complete.</p>

<p>Great news SouthernLady! I tried to interest my very math oriented DD in Engineering but she won’t have it!</p>

<p>I’m so excited to see that the OOS engineering scholarships have remained the same! We saw the Presidential come out a few days ago, but were waiting to see if the engineering bump for 30-31 would still be in place. </p>

<p>This is going to make D so happy. She knew this was going to have to be in place in order for her to attend from OOS. We appreciate the opportunity to have her top choice be within reach!</p>

<p>Wonderful news for my OOS D. This is one of her top schools, and she will be Class of 2015. We’ve visited already and done the tour, talked to Honors and Journalism Department and plan to visit again for a game weekend this Fall. Between academic and maybe a small amount of athletic, she should have a pretty sweet package that will be hard to turn down.</p>

<p>never mind - sorry - ooops…</p>