2014 African Americans!

<p>Hey BlackRose21! How’ve you been?
Also, can you apply to Questbridge even if you didn’t apply earlier in the year? (I got a letter from them, but I never applied because it was just for summer programs) How does it work?</p>

<p>hey Melody224! I’ve been good you? Yeah you can definatly apply to the college match if you didn’t apply for the summer program part of it. Go to [QuestBridge</a> National College Match Program](<a href=“http://www.questbridge.org/students/program.html]QuestBridge”>http://www.questbridge.org/students/program.html) </p>

<p>it will tell you all about it. I’m still new to how that works. But if still have any questions just pm me!</p>

<p>i like THIS! but im class of 2013 lol</p>

<p>i can’t do questbridge cuz i need to retake some tests :frowning: crazy studying is about to happen in the next two months.</p>

<p>Don’t let test scores stop you. you can always apply and update later. you just have to take the tests early in the year</p>

<p>I did the Questbridge College Prep. I may be applying through Questbridge RD to a few schools if ED to Brown doesn’t work out. Man, I love the free apps :)</p>

<p>Did you get the college prep scholarship. I applied for that but didn’t get it.</p>

<p>Yay for intelligent African Americans!
I like this thread. lol.</p>

<p>The anxiety from the application process is already killing me, even though I haven’t applied anywhere yet. Great GPA (3.8), crappy SAT (1840), ehhh SAT II’s, kinda good ACT(28). I’m applying to:</p>

<p>NYU (Stern, RD) #1
Northeastern #2 (the rest in no order of preference)
Boston U
Columbia U
Syracuse U
SUNY Binghamton
UPenn (Wharton)…MAYBE
(I doubt I’m going to get into the Ivy’s though)
and my backup: HVCC</p>

<p>nice to see some 2014 applicants on here already lol now i know im not the only black person looking foward to college. on a serious note though, i’ve been occasionally lurking on CC for the past month or so and you guys seem like some really cool, intelligent people ;)</p>

oh yeah, UPENN ED!</p>

<p>ditto here</p>

<p>Thanks for the link BlackRose, I’ll definitely apply for QuestBridge! And welcome to the forum bellanaija! This might be a stupid question, but on the common app, what exactly are ‘academic awards’? Is it just like National Merit/Achievement, what other kinds of awards are there? I think I’m mixing up the academic awards and the extracurricular awards…if anyone could help clarify, that would be great!</p>

<p>Oh your welcome. yeah same here I always get it confused. I think academic awards ca be like at my school we have award night on each class on most improved student or most outstanding person in that class or had a 4.0 for the year. I believe stuff like that could fal under that. But I believe that extracurricular awards and academic awards can sometimes interchange with each other. </p>

<p>What schools are you applying to Melody224?</p>

<p>Haha, my high school only has an awards ceremony for the seniors at the end of the school year…oh well. I know I’ll be applying to a lot of public schools and then my top choices are Yale and Stanford. I do like MIT and Duke as well…but I’m still deciding on the final college list.
What about you?</p>

<p>Duke ED for me…So nervous. It’s scary as hell. I did well on SAT I’s and SAT II’s. My GPA isn’t amazing tho…3.4. I’m just going to try my hardest Senior Year and get some good recs and do well on essays. Also…ditto on being called the Oreo thing…****es me off.
Good luck to everyone.</p>

<p>well it’s kind of hard to say which ones I will be applying to early or regular cause I want to apply to the questbridge program but that is before early decisions. But if I were to pick a school that I would ED for I would choose UPENN, I like Cornell, Princeton, Duke and Stanford. I might apply to some Florida colleges for backup…I’m also deciding on my final college list. Still need to do SAT subject tests though…</p>

<p>Hey I have a question for you guys. What if somebody has parents that went to a Columbia University for a year before going to another college (their not alumni) does this help their chances in attending Columbia. By the way I’m asking for a friend of mine. She asked me this question and I didn’t know how correct my input was.</p>

<p>thefranchize9 - nah man.</p>

<p>applying early! all essays are pretty much done! now time to relax a bit :)</p>

<p>I’m applying to:</p>

Occidental College
University of San Francisco</p>

<p>I’m applying to Stanford and Pomona through Questbridge. I’m only going to send in my apps to Brown and Occidental if I don’t get matched to Stanford (first choice) or Pomona. As for college essays, I’m working on them.</p>

<p>Ohboi, I got into Dartmouth with an 1860 SAT. Believe me, it is possible!</p>