2014 African Americans!

<p>beautifulnerd2010 - i live in new jersey. my ranking is top 10%. im worrying…badly. like, if i dont get into stanford, i will die, even though im also applying to yale and cornell. i dont care about yale and cornell. stanford owns them 100 times over…</p>

<p>I am gunning for Wharton, the Huntsman program., early decision. if they don’t take me then i have regular Wharton as a back up.</p>

<p>heyyy um i have a question: how important is class rank in college applications, especially for ivy league schools lik yale, harvard, upenn, and columbia? theres only about 300 students in my graduating class and i have a feeling my rank will be a 10 or 11… will this hurt me???</p>

<p>10 is like the top 3 percent. it wont hurt you.</p>

<p>@Junie- Don’t worry. Just be yourself on your apps, and remain positive. =]</p>

<p>my school doesn’t rank, but why is everyone applying to ivy leagues? i’m not applying to any. and i don’t think you can apply to your ed school rd after being rejected.</p>

<p>Yah crimson, I’m with you. It confuses me something why so many people want to apply to Ivy’s (besides the reputation). To each his own I guess. Only 3 more apps to go!</p>

<p>btw how long are all of your essays? esp the common app one? mines like 900 words, i have to work on cutting some stuff out…</p>

<p>I’m applying to the schools that fit “my mold.” They don’t ALL necessarily fit EVERYTHING I may want, but they’re pretty close. Columbia is in the heart of New York (in my mind lol), and I LOVE the city. I went there and knew I was at home. It was an amazing feeling.</p>

<p>I got accepted to one university (Manchester, as in England) so that’s exciting, but now I’m back to working on all the others. I just found out that I’m going on a trip next Saturday, so I need to do a lot of work this weekend. I don’t want to be writing essays the day before they’re due.</p>

<p>I don’t really get the question of why people are applying to Ivy Leagues. Most people aren’t applying to “the Ivy league.” They’re applying to Harvard, Yale, Cornell, Brown, Columbia, Dartmouth, UPenn, Princeton, or some combination of those schools. They have reasons for applying to those schools, not the sports league the schools in which the schools are.
Cornell - I’m legacy, so I have better chances there than at any of the others. It’s gorgeous in Ithaca and I like the whole “pressure cooker” reputation, especially in a larger school. I think in a smaller school, that intensity can make the whole school seem insular.
Dartmouth - I visited and it was great. I really like the D-Plan and all the opportunities that will provide. Also, their application is incredibly easy.
Yale - It’s my first choice, it’s the school, besides Cambridge, that I was always going to apply to. The reasons are way too big and long for me to get into, but in short, Yale is awesome. To quote the Dartmouth Yale Enthusiasts, let’s look at the facts here, Yale is the oldest school in the world, Yale was founded by God, Yale is constructed primarily out of gold. Yale has an adorable application.
Harvard - I used to be sort of blah on Harvard, but my friend came back from it and was in love with it. My other friend goes there too with crazy FA. They sent her to China this year, which is just awesome. This is something I especially realized when I visited a smaller school 2 weeks ago, but Harvard can offer me pretty much anything. Once you’re there, they’re totally interested in working with you. There are a lot of sort of “rare” subjects I want to study and Harvard is going to offer me a lot more in those areas than say, most LACs can.
Princeton - this is a school my mother pushed for and I also sort of started out not too into it, but I was willing to apply to one of those schools because my mother pushed for Northwestern for my sister and she fell absolutely in love with it. I figure my mother knows me pretty well. The more I learn about Princeton the more I like it. It just seems very me. If you guys knew me, you would think it a good match. And their application is adorable.</p>

<p>I can also give you reasons for why I’m not applying to any of the others, but that doesn’t really seem necessary. I started making lists of maybe 30 schools that sort of fit me, grades-wise and culture-wise when I was a sophomore and it’s been a process of elimination since then. But Brown was never on that list. I really don’t like Brown. For no real reason, but it’s true.</p>

<p>Columbia ED here I come! I’m so nervous though, especially since my test scores aren’t exactly spectacular. I’m also applying to NYU, Carnegie Mellon, USC, and a bunch of other schools with free applications. The only other Ivy School I would apply to is Brown. I’m really not caught up in all the ‘prestige’ jazz. I just want a good education, and to get out of Arizona. =P</p>

<p>yea, ivy’s are fine, but i think people put too much stock in the prestige. half of the top 16 schools are NOT ivy’s with brown as number 16, cornell as 14, and dartmouth as 11. all three of those are outside the top ten, while stanford, mit, u chicago, duke, and caltech are all not ivy and in the top 10 best schools. i also think people forget what kinds of kids go to these schools. when a school is that prestigious you will probably find a lot of snobs who won’t hesitate to let you know that they are smarter than you. or they won’t hesitate to let you know that their family " has a long and sacred tradition of attending (insert college here)" i just feel like these places would be pretty stuck up. i also know that a lot of stuck up kids from my school are applying to the ivy’s so i have no reason to think otherwise. i also think it’d be rare to find a kid without a “hook” at one of these schools because they are SO hard to get into that it would take a hook to have them consider you or an OUTSTANDING application. whether it be legacy, sports, race, or whathaveyou i think that if you took a survey at one of these schools you would find a significant number of students who have or had a “hook.”</p>

Congratulations! Must feel good to have your first school acceptance! What is the cornell pressure cooker reputation, and also what is Darthmouth’s D-plan? </p>

o wow I didn’t know NYU had free applications? </p>

lol love ur screen name. Reminds of good times (fairy oddparents). </p>

<p>But about the whole ivy league thing. It honestly depends on the person and major I guess.</p>

<p>thanks lol, best show ever, and some of the best times ever</p>

<p>@rajina- YES! I dont wanna go to ASU, NAU, or UofA. I don’t LIKE Arizona. I’m not FROM Arizona. Lol, I appreciate the full rides and everything, but I DON’T wanna be here.</p>

<p>I like Ivies.</p>

<p>Applying to Brown, Harvard, U Penn, & Columbia :)</p>

<p>I’m applying to one Ivy—Brown.</p>

<p>I’m also applying to two in-state Unis: JMU, UVA. I may possibly apply to GMU.</p>

<p>Other colleges are: UNC:CH, Tulane (free app).</p>

<p>When I get my Oct. SAT scores back, I’ll then decide if I’ll be applying anywhere else.</p>



<p>EXACTLY! I’m not exactly a fan of being one out of +65,000 at ASU, or having nothing to do in Tucson. I used to want to go to NAU, but I’ve come to realize that school is pretty much a joke. Good bye, Arizona. I will not be missing you.</p>

<p>Hello! I’m Sudanese but I was born and raised in California. I currently live in Khartoum, Sudan though (I’ve been here since 2004), so I guess I’m an international student, despite being a US citizen. I put myself as “African” when I have the chance when filling out apps, but most of the time I have to settle for Black. Either one is fine! I’m applying to 3 UC’s (SD, LA, Berkeley), but I know it’s definitely going to be tough as hell getting into them since international students are absolute last priority. MIT and Stanford are also reach unis, of course haha. MIT accepts 1.5% of international students, and unless I 800 my ML2 subject test and bump the hell out of my SAT score I don’t have that great of a shot, I think. I’m also applying to USC, Northeastern, BU, UVA, NYU, GWU, American University, Carnegie Mellon, and Purdue & Drexel are my safeties! I MAY apply to Columbia and Harvard IF and only IF I end up bumping my SAT score to a 2000+. If not, I won’t bother. I got a 1730 on my May SAT and I was really dissapointed by it but I didn’t study at all so it makes sense I did poorly. I studied my ass off for the Oct test and I’m hoping I got at least a 2000. If not, November is my last shot. Words can’t describe how much I hate the SAT. It’s the only thing bringing me down - I have a 3.92 UW GPA. I did do my World History Subject test and got a 730, which I’m satisfied with.</p>

<p>I’m doing early action for Purdue and Northeastern, and I’m really hoping to get into both, especially Northeastern. If I got into Northeastern that would make me feel a lot less stressed out about getting replies back from uni’s in March/April. If I don’t get into MIT or Stanford, whatever, I won’t get worked up. I’ll get my Master’s from one of those two hopefully haha. I REALLY hope I get into at least USC, UCLA, or Berkley. Getting into one of those three would totally make me ecstatic. I intend on majoring in Computer Science. :smiley: Now I just need to focus on studying for the SAT, ML2 and Chem subject tests.</p>

<p>the best of luck to you magicalmalik. hard studying always yields great fruit. sorry i usually don’t talk like that, go get yourself some great scores. i also thought being an international would help??</p>