2014 African Americans!

<p>@Millancad. Yeah I know what you’re saying. Realistically I have no time to learn material lately to get the needed scores on my subject tests. Will this keep me out of Harvard? It’s quite likely. Will this keep me out of Columbia? Perhaps. However I’ve decided it’s not worth the stress. I have 8 other schools on my list that will never see these scores…
Haha don’t know why I’m informing you :p</p>

I actually love macalaster but it does have a reputation to be a very hippie-ish school. Otherwise it’s fantastic and very international. I’d recommend that your child apply and then visit to see if the campus feels right for them. Also keep in mind that at small liberal arts colleges the schools are BEGGING for hosts. One bad or horrible experience should not reflect upon the whole student body!</p>

<p>what’s a “good” sat 2 score?</p>

<p>generally, I;d say above 750. But on a test like Korean or Chinese where the average score is 740 something, only an 800 is good.</p>

<p>A good SAT score doesn’t necessarily HAVE TO be a 750+. It all depends…what did you get and what colleges are you applying to?</p>

<p>actually milancad, you’re a little low on the average for chinese and korean with listening. that may be a national average idrk, but they only look at your school’s average scores, so some schools have averages upwards of 780 on korean and chinese with listening. i don’t even know if an 800 means anything at that point.</p>

<p>I’m class of 2015. But I’m really enjoying the discussion here. I have the pleasure of going through Junior year, but the information on this forum makes it somewhat easier since it’s informing.</p>

<p>Best of luck to everyone!</p>

<p><em>I know you guys are all black people on brain steroids, so go easy on me</em></p>

<p>I just took the SAT and got a 1880 (690cr,610m,580w [8 essay]). I know that sucks, but does anyone know if that’s remotely close enough to be a National Achievement Finalist? I’m a semi-finalist right now (shocking, I know) and I only had Track and Field, being a member of the International Baccalaureate Ambassadors club, and volunteering at the Salvation Army on my application. But, I had a really good essay according to the 10 people who read it and an even better letter of recommendation. I would take the SAT again (I know I’d do better on the math section by a lot), but I can’t afford it and I can’t use a fee waiver for the late registration. :(</p>

<p>Does anyone know the avg. SAT scores and/or EC amounts for those who do become finalists and those who don’t? I hate the suspense. >_<</p>

<p>Your SAT score just has to “confirm” your PSAT score. The NAS people have never said specifically what that means, but I think that since your score is right around NASF level (190 PSAT), it will not be a problem.
I’m sort of more informed about the NMSF to NMF process since I’m both and my school deals with NMSF more than NASF, but the scores are not the biggest part of becoming a Finalist in either process. They just don’t want to see a 200 PSAT and a 1570 SAT. They just want to know that your NASF score was not a fluke.</p>

<p>Ah ok. Well, it was exactly the same (188 PSAT), so I guess that’s good enough confirmation…</p>

<p>I’ll still try to scramble up some money for the December late registration though. I know I can get a 700 CR and 650+ math score. Writing… I don’t know. I guess I just have to start omitting ones I’m not absolutely sure about (I’m omit-o-phobic).</p>

<p>Good Luck on the December SAT. But yeah, i’m pretty sure you made National Achievement Finalist.</p>

<p>A question I have is how they decide who gets the $2500 scholarships, I read that only half of the finalists are chosen for that.</p>

<p>Yeah, that’s a good question. I’m not worried about it too much though. I’m pretty much set for college if I get a finalist position on top of my Florida Bright Futures scholarship and pell grant.</p>

<p>Hi everyone! My first post here! I’m also a Sen10r applying for college. :frowning: It’s all so overwhelming and it’s hard to keep up the hope I have for getting into my top schools. But I’ll try not to worry so much and buckle down on my Common App this week (finally!). I’m not applying Early Decision anywhere because I still need to take a couple more SAT 2s this weekend. Hope to stick around the forums and learn some more as well as talk to others who are in the same situation!</p>

<p>^ Dnerd…In addition to what Mill has said. One of the requirements (and I hear they are a stickler for this) for moving on to the Finalist is your GPA, it has to be at least 3.5, they look at your grades from 9th Grade on, and are not very fond of C’s. There is an old thread somewhere on Natl Achievement, you should do a search for that. Good luck!!</p>

<p>wow i haven’t been on the board in a while, how is everyone?</p>

<p>i sent my app into penn a while ago, and this period of waiting is already starting to kill me lol…</p>

<p>Well it’s a 3.28 unweighted and 4.05 weighted (all IB classes), and if they got my transcript (I don’t know if they request it or not, but I’d assume so), then they’ll see both GPAs. If not, they’ll see the 4.05 on the application papers. I do have a C for one semester in pre-IB world History in 9th grade and 2 in IB American History from last year… so I guess I should be scared.</p>

<p>Oh and trust me, I’ve searched through probably every thread about the NASP I could find…</p>

<p>^Good luck on the program. I hope you make finalist. I get my PSAT results in December, so i’m hoping I did well.</p>

<p>They could probably excuse a lower GPA for course rigor.</p>

did u do ED for Penn?</p>

<p>so sats again this morning, anyone else take them?</p>

<p>I retook the SAT Chemistry Subject test. Before my score was xy0. I’m hoping We can switch those numbers around so I can get yx0. Or an 800! 800 would be nice.</p>

<p>good luck, sat 2 curves are really steep. 760 is only like 82nd percentile, 800 is 99th.</p>