2014 African Americans!

IU(In state safety)</p>

<p>I really just want to go to Howard though.</p>

<p>2011! All day!</p>

<p>@prospectus…i’m sooooo nervous about my GPA…3.6 UW. 3.83 Weighted. I go to an insane private school. So nervous. But standardized test scores are gonna b beast. I already got a 29 on the ACT which i’m retaking in the fall for a 32+. The science section murdered my score. :frowning: My recs are going to be amazing. @junie, don’t worry about it man…Questbridge is crazy competitive.</p>

<p>Back to the initial race question…As Justice Clarence Thomas, Bill Cosby, and Alan Keyes have so eloquently stated, we blacks are racist–even among our own. We are the first to manipulate others by calling others darker than ourselves the n word. You all know what I am talking about!! Don’t play dumb. The issue is not the color of our skin, it is the content of our character. We are the last to take responsibility; we are the first to be victims. Thanks brother Bill Cosby for showing us the truth about ourselves!!!</p>

I appreciate what you said, there is real meaning to what u r saying, but what initial race question are you responding to?</p>

<p>Also, how do you guys know your essay questions already?</p>

<p>well some schools use the same question every year and the common app questions are pretty general. Brainstorming won’t hurt at this point either…</p>

<p>Obstinate’s Q: Of course it’s racist, but what can you do to change culture? </p>

<p>See page 1 Rose</p>

yeah that’s true. I just started brainstorming. Are you doing interviews anywhere?</p>

Oh ok. Well I read everything since the beginning of this thread. I just forgot about it cause we were talking about questbridge and colleges and etc. </p>

<p>Oh by the way to all people that are applying to questbridge for the college match you should check out the thread for it. But a big thing that caught my attention was somebody was talking about that there have been people that have been a finalist but didn’t get into any of the schools that they put on their list versus other who weren’t finalist and applied RD and got into t the school of their choice. So you might want to check it out</p>

<p>What percent of the college admissions does AA actually count for?</p>

its like 100-300 points added to your SAT…or so i heard…</p>

<p>i’m applying to Stanford SCEA.</p>

<p>reaches: Yale, Brown, …
matches: Wellesley, …
safeties: …
otherwise, there’s 20 more names atm</p>

<p>brainstorming essays now is a real smart idea…i should do that.</p>

<p>SAT’s are out! Anyone care to share scores??</p>

<p>blackrose, i got asked to do an on-campus interview at yale (dream). I won’t do it this summer tho. I need time to mentally prepare myself for it. lol.</p>

<p>applying to Yale early
SAT’s are 2030…</p>

<p>Well i took 2 subject tests. </p>

<p>Bio M-730
Math II-600 :frowning: def. retaking for 700+</p>

<p>my writing sucked, but my overall was over my 1900 goal



<p>I have heard this as well. That means I score… a 2450. DAMN. I’m in. LOL.</p>

<p>Just kidding.</p>

<p>I’m so excited to finally start this process! This is going to be a bumpy ride. What kind of classes are you guys taking next year???</p>

<p>^essentially all AP classes (ap physics, ap micro/macro, ap gov, ap calc bc, the list goes on believe it or not!) It will be a tough year, but it’ll be fun I think (hope)
yay! just checked my sat 2 score and i’m now officially done with all things SAT! woohoo! :)</p>

<p>I am applying to </p>

<p>George Washington U- ED maybe
University of Pennsylvania- ED maybe
Georgetown University
American University
Boston University
Rutger’s U- New Brunwick</p>

<p>i got a 2030 on Sats. I’d rather not talk about my Math 2 score (really really low). I plan on retaking in October and also taking English Subject test.</p>