2014 African Americans!

<p>^The other day in the car three of my (white) friends were making fun of me for being chocked when I walked into my AP World History class the first day this school year and saw an almost completely black population. Then I made them count how many individual black people they saw each day in their classes, which are mostly AP and Advanced Academics (basically, my school’s version of Honors). They were all shocked to realize it was usually fewer than 10.</p>

<p>It’s weird that you get so used to it that you don’t notice.</p>

<p>^^^ It is. That’s why I love French class. I get to see my sophomore friends. They’re black and motivated to go far in life, and they take heed to my advice. They’re so so sweet.</p>

<p>^^^oh gosh, i REALLY wish the black underclassmen in my school were like that. </p>

<p>this year i realized that out of all the blacks in my school (probably around 40), there are probably at most 6 or 7 of us who take at least one AP/Honor class, 4 of which are in my grade. once we graduate in june, there will hardly be any focused or ambitious black people left. i get so sad when i’m walking to class and i see all the black underclassmen shouting and screaming in the hallways because 1.i know for a fact that all the white people are internally judging them and forming opinions about the black race as a whole because of them and 2. because i KNOW they can do so much better. its not that they aren’t smart because they surely are, but their priorities are in the wrong places. lately i’ve been trying to be like a big sister to them and let them know that there really is a whole world out there beyond high school, but i don’t think they truly get it yet, they’re so concerned with looking the freshest and being the most cool amongst themselves, but i really just hope that this message I’ve been trying to give hits them soon, i don’t want them to be a senior and realize that they could’ve done better during their high school career because by that time it’s too late. pray for the blacks in my high school y’all lol they need help :/</p>

<p>i’ve always realized that im the sole black person in my AP classes, its pretty unfortunate lol…</p>

<p>My school is about 40% black, but only 8 of us are in the IB Program (there’s about 450 IB kids out of about 1700 or so students), and I don’t think any of the black kids who aren’t in IB are taking AP classes either. They just don’t seem to be motivated to go anywhere or do anything other than get high on the weekend or a Tuesday evening…
I did help one junior girl [who had a crush on me…] prepare for the PSAT, and she did well enough to become a NASF (increased by about 60 points from her sophomore year) next year, but she got pregnant on purpose and I don’t really know where she’s going with her life now… </p>

<p>But it’s so hard to change the minds and goals of a lot people once they get to high school. That’s one of the main reasons I like to tutor underprivileged (mostly black) elementary school kids since it’s a lot easier to get them to listen to me.</p>

<p>I know what you guys mean! All the black people at my school sadly give black people a bad name! They are always acting loud and ignorant! I can understand having fun and I’m not a party pooper, but come on, they should draw the line somewhere. I know a lot of them personally and they just don’t have their priorities right, not taking school seriously, and putting sports ahead of school. I think that’s the biggest mistake someone can make! None of them are going to the pros…so what the hell are they gonna do? It makes me mad sometimes, and sometimes I feel like they think I’m not ‘black’ enough and I’m the one in the wrong. But I don’t care what they think, I know I’m gonna be successful when I grow up because I’ve been putting in work now. Hopefully they will get it together soon…they need prayer.
I’m usually the only black person in my classes and I’m in 6 this year. Yea, I don’t even notice it anymore. There aren’t many black kids in my school anyway, and most of them don’t take school too seriously. It really doesn’t bother me, I have a lot of friends who aren’t black, but it is sad. My parents always tell me how it’s important to help black people, because I’ve been fortunate in my life and I need to give back to ‘my people’.</p>

<p>I know how all of you feel. At the end of the day I feel the most sad because it doesnt bother me anymore, at least to the point where it should be. There are few black kids in ap classes, let alone males. I feel like I’m training a new generation by talking to these 4 juniors about college. Also, I tutor middle school aged ones at this community group. At sometimes I’m prod of how intelligent they are, and other times I’m saddened at how ignorant they act. But, my dad always says to whom much is given, much is required. So, I’m off to reform the black community around here one person at a time.</p>

<p>Yea, see you guys make me feel bad. I don’t go and talk to the younger black kids in my school, though I probably should. Idk, sometimes I’m just annoyed with them! I feel like they should realize that they have their priorities all mixed up. Maybe they don’t realize it… I def know how it is to be immature, young, and childish - only thinking about impressing boys, dressing cute, and going to parties…but its time they grow out of that phase. They are definitely getting the wrong mentors and looking up to the wrong people. The other black senior girls try to take underclassmen ‘under their wing’, but the few other black senior girls in my grade need to get themselves together before they try to set an example for anyone…srsly. They are just as bad as the underclassmen - if not worse.</p>

<p>is anyone up here a gates millennium finalist?</p>

<p>YUP ! Got the notice yesterday =D</p>

<p>and to the discussion, yeah . it’s important for the younger kids to have a role model. i know first-hand, that if i didn’t have anyone to look to for guidance, i’d probably end up without a plan or any attainable goals or aspirations. but like mouse mentioned, there’s only so much you can do. you can lead a horse to water but there’s no guarantee that it’ll drink it. nevertheless, i always try to set examples, especially for my younger siblings and the black MALES in my school. i can’t stress the deficiency of black males trying to do better for themselves through academics. it’s kind of embarassing, now that i’m thinking about it.</p>

<p>Agreed. I guess the best way to lead is set an example! I’m glad I found this thread. All of you guys are like me: focused, and determined to succeed! woohoo go us! haha</p>

<p>^^yeah I know what you mean. It’s hard to find black people in my area that are as motivated as you guys. Sometimes I feel all alone at my school about these things. which is quite unfortunate but I guess that is the way things are these days. By the way when do you guys graduate?</p>

<p>^^Agree. hmm… I graduate June 17th I think…but I get out of school May7 :slight_smile: Just in time 2 study 4 APs :/</p>

<p>my graduation is may 14 but I think I might get out a bit later. i think we might take our finals around the week of may 3rd. the thing that sucks is that on may 13 I have my ap econ exam and have graduation rehersal. ugh! anyways the countdown is going down really fast with graduation, ap exams, and notification from schools!</p>

<p>June 11th, but the last class is in late May. We used to finish school in early May until some lady from up north complained about her son not being able to play with his cousins, and then Disney started supporting it because they could have teenage workers work longer in the summer… so our school district caved in =/</p>

<p>christt , my graduation might be the latest in the whole country … June 27th -_- school ends for me on June 9th and i have prom on may 27th .</p>

<p>Sigh, for me I got to a suburb in a semi-rural area where the population of kids is about 96% white
2% Asian and
2% black respectively.</p>

<p>So I already see very few black kids in my school. As far as honors/Ap classes I have never seen another black person in my honors/Ap classes.</p>

<p>There is another black girl in the grade but she depresses me because

  1. she’s not very smart
  2. she’s never taken an honors class in her life.</p>

<p>At least she’s pretty and fashionable.</p>

<p>The black underclassmen I’ve seen( maybe 6 altogether) are either

  1. in vo-tech; not because they don’t care but because they don’t know what else to do
  2. smart, but not smart enough to be all honors/take some APs. Close but no cigar.</p>

<p>Does this depress me?

<p>@ justadream92: My graduation is June 28. I win.</p>

<p>Yes, in the nxt 3ish months so much is going on! APs, finals, college decisions, graduation, prom! At my school, if you take an AP you don’t have to take a final, so teachers urge students to take the AP (so they don’t have to write exams). I’m nervous! As of right now I’m signed up for 6, but I really don’t think I will be prepared to take them! I don’t want to waste money and get anything below a 3! At least if I bomb, they won’t affect my GPA…but STILL! I hate sitting in a test, looking at questions and being like, “wow i have NO CLUE!”…what do you guys think I should do?</p>

<p>I think you should go ahead and take the test. Like you, I’m signed up for 6, and there are two that I don’t think I’ll pass: Calculus and Spanish. If you know they don’t affect your GPA and that doing well can get you college credit, what do you have to lose but your pride?</p>

<p>However, if you feel unprepared, I suggest you go over to Amazon.com immediately and buy those review books, then strap yourself down to a chair for 6 hours daily to study and to make sure you’re ready by exam day. </p>

<p>Best of luck. :D</p>

<p>P.S.: and in the event that you do get below a 3, you can always commiserate with me. Misery and I love company.</p>