2014 African Americans!

<p>Mouse, go to Cornell. Don’t trust businessweek’s rankings they just want to sell magazines. Businessweek’s rankings are the laughing stock of wall street. Cornell has a MUCH better presence on Wall Street. (ND has very very few people at all of the top firms).</p>

<p>congrats to all! you guys really deserve it. the pain is finally over with the worrying and anxiety. i didn’t get into my top schools but it’s all good at least I got accepted to other places! i won’t see any of you this year but u can count on it next year! :slight_smile: like jamaica said god works in mysterous ways. again congrats to you guys!!!</p>

<p>^You might see us if we become ooVoo buddies. :D</p>


Truth spoken right here. Perhaps we’ll meet up in grad school or randomly elsewhere, Black Rose. Congratulations to you too for all you’ve accomplished so far. I can’t say it enough: everyone on this board is amazing. ALL OF YOU. And your hard work will carry you far, no matter where you go. Hold your head up high and represent the Class of 2010 as a proud sen10r.</p>

<p>Could everyone post where they will be going. I want to know if I will see any of you guys next year. Cornell FOR ME!!!</p>

<p>Congrats, HBrown. It’s between Harvard, Columbia, and Princeton for me. (though H seems likeliest)</p>

<p>haha ksarmand, i see you abandoned macaulay =] </p>

<p>Stanford !</p>

<p>^Indeed I did. When I thought about it, being an Honors Student @ Columbia is better than being one at Hunter. Even if one does cost >$15k more. :o <em>shrug</em></p>

<p>And that’s the way the cookie crumbles.</p>

<p>When I saw your stats Ksarmand I thought “shes way too good for Hunter.” I think the common misconception with Macaulay is that yes Macaulay in itself is a good program but at the end of the day your going to be sitting in a class with regular hunter students not fellow Macaulay students. That is one reason why I did not apply. Btw congrats on all your acceptances.</p>

<p>For me, it’s MIT, Harvard, or UChicago I think. I very much might go to Yale if I get off the waitlist, but it’s so unlikely that I’m not going to think about it until I get off the waitlist.</p>

<p>I’m leaning toward MIT. Earlier, when I first got in, I was a little bit down on Harvard, but I’m warming to it. Trying to keep an open mind.</p>

<p>@HBrown, I will see you at Cornell. Are you going to Diversity Days? I am leaving for Cornell on Tuesday (04/06).</p>

<p>I’m tired of hearing the fake congratulations at school. Gosh. Anyone else getting the “it’s because you’re black” thing yet? I’m sorry I have to vent. One kid got rej’d from Penn and Princeton. A girl got deferred ED from Penn (loves the school), rej’d yesterday, rej’d at Cornell and Dartmouth. Another guy rej’d at Yale and Cornell. The valedictorian (who is a sweetheart) waitlisted at Columbia (and this is one of 3 things that ****es them off).</p>

<li>I got into 4 good schools. No one else did. One got into Brown ED but that’s all. My buddy at school from my program is going to Stanford.</li>
<li>It was ME (and since I’m apparently not “up to par” to their standards I guess it’s “do you think you’re more deserving than our precious valedictorian?” </li>
<li>I got into Columbia, but our vale didn’t</li>

<p>These same kids told me none of us would get into Ivies. They told me I wouldn’t get into Columbia. They told me a crock of BS. Now that it’s thrown back at them, and I don’t even throw it in their face, they feel 10x stupider. To make it worse, people are “angry” at me b/c the “vale should’ve got into Columbia,” so I said to the guy rej’d from Penn and Princeton, “You don’t know my life circumstances or what I’ve been through. You don’t know my story. You don’t know how hard I’ve worked. You don’t know my scores, my GPA, nothing. You guys think you do, but you don’t. You don’t know about my recs, my essays, nothing. You don’t even know if I put black on my apps. (he said oh well I mean chances are you did b/c it looks better but you’re right I don’t know…he had a 24 on the ACT but if he would’ve gotten in, it’s because he deserved it? okay.) Diversity is not just race. It’s religion, the things you wear, it encompasses SO much more than race. And at the end of the day, they can be mad, but it doesn’t matter b/c you can’t take this away from me.” And they can’t take what God gave away. SO let them hate (for all you who have similar stories). They’re just jealous.</p>

<p>^Don’t let them get you down. You won’t experience those feelings at Columbia, if you go.</p>

<p>Lettem know Beautifulnerd! I’m proud that you’re standing your ground … let them hate! I didn’t break the news to anyone in my school yet because we’re on spring break … but based on what i know from facebook, most of the heavy-hitters in my school got rejected and waitlisted at places like upenn and brown. one girl i know got into cornell, but other than that, i haven’t heard anything else. i wonder what the reaction is going to be when i go back on monday …</p>

<p>I dont think you should worry about it.
When you are at whatever amazing university you decide to attend all of this will be inconsequential. Go on to HAPPY and SUCCESSFUL. Jealousy is a TERRIBLE TERRIBLE thing.</p>

<p>I got accepted to Wellesley College! :D</p>

<p>BeautifulNerd, it’ll be fine. Last year, when my is was acepted to Brown, there were A LOT of haters. One guy said “You should be proud of your nigness. It’s whats paying for your school”. In her english class, her teacher was asking who got in where. Everyone knew one guy was going to Harvard, but nobody knew anything about her achievements bc the debate team at my school is small, and she doesn’t brag about score half as much as Harvard guy did. When she said she was going to Brown, some people were really happy for her, but she was also greeted with downturned heads and a smirk from the Harvard guy. It wasn’t until she graduated that many ppl found out all of the amazing stuff she did in high school and that she’d more than earned her place. She visited her dean and found that her scores were among the best of the acceptees. This just goes to show, haters are everywhere. Even ppl you wouldn’t expect. Be prepared, because your most likely going to lose a lot of ppl who are close to both you AND your family (God knows, a lot of family friends fell off after that). Nobody from my school knows what Wellesley isor how good it is. The judged my sister before they knew about her rediculous scores, and her insanely amazing writing, and art and all. Nobody knew she had been Ccing since freshman year, and that she knew more than the couselors about college admissions. All they knew was that she was african american, pres of the debate club, smart, but NOT smart enough to go Ivy. After all that’s happened, she couldn’t be happier! She loves being in Providence, and being surrounded my all these ppl doing amazing things. She says she doesn’t even think about high school, and has abandoned CC until grad school…I think, for her, it breeds bitterness.
I’m going to Wellesley officially, and my Valedictorian is heading to MIT, so perhaps, if any of you are heading there I’ll see you :smiley: Wellesley students take classes there, and vv. Congrats to all those accepted!</p>

<p>Thank you guys so much. I’ve never posted stats on FB, but when people who randomly text me to see where I got in, and I actually got in everywhere, I had to let my friends from the program know. Even my college guidance counselor (from the program) was extremely happy. So the whole “do you deserve it?” and making me feel like I don’t (but I do b/c I’ve overcome so many obstacles and still come out on top) is a plea for pity, a way to bring me down and try to uplift their fallen faces. If you don’t get into freakin’ Harvard, you’re not a failure. It’s dumb how the colleges define the student when the student makes the college. </p>

<p>I’m stuck b/w Princeton and Columbia, all my friends are going to Princeton too lol. But I can’t decide. Congrats everyone! We did it, and remember NO ONE, and I MEAN NO ONE, can take what God has given you away from you. The Devil hates it, he hates that he can’t destroy the precious gifts God has for us. Let him hate it. B/c we were all given favor by Him.</p>

<p>BeautifulNerd219, I think your detractors are those who haven’t yet gotten it through their thick skulls that admissions to college is based upon the school’s view of your potential, not of your moldy, dust-covered academic trophies from the 6th grade. I haven’t gotten any flak from anyone; the friends who were with me when I found out were genuinely happy for me. Of course, there are the grumblers, but they’re wise enough to stay in the shadows, for I can be pretty nasty when I’m mad. I agree with you completely when you say that to a certain extent, people just don’t know what you’ve overcome: no one knew how I wrestled with my inner demons; how sometimes the bullying at school just got too much to bear and I risked doing some stupid, stupid things; how hard it was to see your family breaking apart but having to keep it all together in school; how difficult it was to know your mother was in the hospital during AP week and that there was nothing you could do about it; how rough it was to have a state of semi-parenthood thrust upon you when you were nothing but a ingenuous 5th grader yourself; and that at sometimes you felt all alone and had no one but God to talk to. People don’t know, but the fact that they don’t in no way invalidates your achievements. You’re going to be an inspiration to a lot of people at your school. Hold your head up high.
Congratulations, and may God bless you, no matter where you go.</p>

<p>Thank you @ksarmand
People don’t know what having a knife pulled out on you and beer thrown on you while your Internet gets cut off is like when you’re trying to finish a project. People don’t know what it’s like to have the cops know your family by name. People don’t know what it’s like to move out during senior year just to return. People don’t know what it’s like to have a parent on crack and selling everything you own for a hit. People don’t know what it’s like to spend a day in my shoes. People don’t know that at all. But I digress. They don’t need to know.</p>

<p>Keep your head up is the only thing I can reiterate to you. Some people will never understand because they have no desire to. You will be a big success in life and then all those haters can kiss your ***!! :)</p>

<p>Ahh, between Columbia, Princeton, and Stanford… Any ideas for a bio major? :D</p>