2014 African Americans!

<p>@shyman: Did you go to the diversity weekend?</p>


<p>not with what everyone else thinks.
not with the name .</p>

<p>YOU know YOU best; there’s no loopholes in that. choose where you feel can offer you the quality of academics you prefer and the social atmosphere you can see yourself fitting into .</p>

<p>look at me giving advice smh … im in the same boat as you all lol . i can only imagine if this is what the admissions officers at our schools have been going through for the last 6 months haha . some days i just wish i can combine all of my schools into one big powerhouse so that i can go to all of them at the same time … but since that can’t happen, lets take advantage of the time we have and the opportunities allotted to us from the schools that have accepted us (admit weekends, regional invitationals, exc) to pick students’/professors’/representatives brains so that we can make a firm decision without the “what ifs” later on . in the end, these are going to be places that will have a significant impact on our lives but however, an undergraduate education is, by no means, the predictor of our futures . remember, these schools don’t make us; we make them . </p>

<p>in the upcoming weeks, lets just take some time and daydream … just picture yourself at the colleges that have admitted you. what do you see? use that as a platform for your decisions.</p>

<p>the grade deflation at princeton is a drag. && AA’s there dont speak that kindly on the social scene =(</p>

<p>harvard seems…SCARY lol …just because of all the competition</p>

<p>im visiting columbia tomorrow! im definitely going to voice my feelings about it. The one thing that worries me is the Core at Columbia, hopefully someone will clear that up for me.</p>

<p>Sometimes…I just think of turning down the Ivy’s…all of them because the elitism/competiton/etc that comes with them. But I will give them a chance. I’d rather at least do that instead of regretting it 10 years down the line.</p>

<p>ppl going to princeton, PLEASE DISH when you return</p>

<p>Well my main concern with Cornell is the diversity. I hear that the program houses promote segregation among the students and I do not want that at all. I don’t to associate myself with ONLY African Americans just because I am black. I associate myself with all kinds of people </p>

<p>If what I hear is confirmed at my visit then Cornell is definitely out the window!!!</p>

<p>Thanks for the advice, you guys! I’m going to get in touch with an AA girl I know who recently graduated from Princeton to see what she thought…</p>

<p>I am worried a lot about the grade deflation policy, and the lack of diversity (both in terms of ethnicity and socio-economic status). Princeton is an amazing undergrad school, and I think it would provide more support to the undergrads than both Harvard and Columbia combined (ksarmand). </p>

<p>All in all, from what I’ve gathered, each of the schools have their own positives and negatives. For example, Columbia gives you amazing internship and community service opportunities, as well as world-reknown professors. But it throws you out there into NYC with no hand-holding and forces you to become confident and independent. But Princeton has the prestige that comes with the name, and the focus on undergrads. It comes at the cost of a weak social life, and little diversity. I think our choices will just depends on what suits us better. I think once I talk to more Princeton alumni, it will clear things up for me. </p>

<p>However, I think I will be happier at Columbia, and I don’t think I’ll go there and be like “Well, maybe I should have gone to Princeton”. </p>

<p>LOL well at least I know on May 1st!</p>

<p>oh and honeyjay: Columbia’s core has mixed feelings. I’ve heard that people love it. Browse through their admitted students website, I think they have a list of the classes in the Core… :D</p>

<p>Congrats to everyone!!! You all have so many wonderful choices to make!</p>

<p>My son will be applying next year, and I am trying to get a feel for where he has a good chance. Would anyone be willing to post their stats and their accepted schools? I know acceptances are based on so much more than the numbers, but we’re trying to narrow the field for him and it would be so helpful if some of you smarties could oblige, ha.</p>

<p>Would greatly appreciate any help you can give!</p>

<p>Thanks so much, and good luck with all of your decisions!</p>

<p>@honeyjay and glitterz<em>is</em>gold: Are you guys serious? Especially glitterz. You’re afraid of Columbia because it “forces you to become confident and independent?” Isn’t this the very point of college? We won’t be babied anymore, but it is the last time we’ll get to be “free” per se. Just read this thread:</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/columbia-university/836242-down-wire-hard-sell-columbia.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/columbia-university/836242-down-wire-hard-sell-columbia.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>It’ll answer many of your questions about Columbia.</p>

<p>And don’t down the Core before reading about its requirements. Yeah, from the outsider’s perspectives, it can be “Eww requirements! Ick!” but the Core actually sounds really interesting, and I’ve yet to truly read any classics. Admissionsgeek speaks a lot on the Core, in that it becomes your “sanity” in the chaos that is NYC. There’s a lot of truth to that I believe.</p>

<p>And I hope you guys are doing to Days On Campus and Perspectives on Diversity. I fell in love with Columbia when I visited. Hope you both do too!</p>

<p>^ nicee obstinate . i agree .</p>


I thrive on competition; it’s when I get my greatest chance to shine. I’ll admit that I’ve had my moments of fear when the thought of not being able to do the work has reduced me to near-paralysis, but self-application has gotten me this far, and I have no doubt that it’ll continue to serve me well at Harvard. If you’re afraid of having to bust your butt because there are 2100+ other students who want the same thing you do, then you’re in for a rough ride for the next four years, not to mention in the real world. -_-</p>

<p>ksarmand you seem very assertive with harvard now and i caught the location change (again) lol is it final ? i don’t even know you but based on what i’ve seen on cc, i think you’ll be awesome at harvard!</p>

<p>Someone was talking about Princeton’s grade deflation…Wellesley has that too. I’m very nervous about it. It actually says in the grade rules that professors can’t assign any grades higher than B+. Arg! Honestly, I’m definitely concerned about how my grades wil turn out, bc I’m definitely wanting to go to an Ivy for graduate school, and I’m not sure that’s possible with all those B’s…IMO, I think a lot of AA’s steer clear of Princeton due to it’s elitist atmospere. Princeton doesn’t seem like it reaches out to minorities as much as other schools do…</p>

<p>Well, I just got back from my Cornell Visit and I loved it. So I guess Im sold and next year I will be a Cornellian. :)</p>

<p>I’m so happy for you, HBrown! That’s great to hear. :slight_smile: Hopefully, I can have a similar epiphany.</p>

<p>That’s great HBrown. I’m happy you found what’s right for you. I was kind of iffy at Cornell. But I’ll pray about it. And I have a feeling that some day between now and May 1st I’m just gonna wake up and say “I know where I’m going!” “I’m going to _____________!”</p>

<p>@Mouse Hopefully you wake up saying “Im going to…CORNELL!!” lmao
The Diversity Hosting was sort of unorganized for us in the beginning and I hated it. I called my mother and told her to come and get me. But when I sat down and stopped trying to search for things to hate about it, I began to see a lot of great things. I dont like the program houses. I think they are more run down and shabby compared to the other dorms like Clark or Balch. But other than that I have no complaints.</p>

<p>Are they really called Cornellians?? hhahahahaha Brown students are called Brunonians. What are all the other Ivy students called?</p>

<p>Yup. Heard the term a few times while I was at Cornell. I think Princetonians and Yallies. Not too sure about the others.</p>

<p>@HBrown: I’ll tell you what I tell everyone else that asks where I’m going. We’ll see. lol.</p>

<p>@HBrown i wonder if we might have saw each other on sunday or monday but didn’t realize it lol</p>

<p>Probably, did you hang out with the group that took the bus from NYC? If you did, then you def. saw me.</p>

<p>@obstinate: I apologize, I should have phrased it differently. What I really meant was, it’s good that Columbia allows you to gain indepedence, confidence and assertiveness. But could it also be a bad thing that when it’s your FIRST year in college, and your first time in NYC, your not getting as much support? That’s what I was trying to say, but I was typing in a rush. </p>

<p>I had this delayed response from the Columbia Financial Aid Office, and I just got my award yday. I’m crushed. They’ve barely given anything, and at this point, I was really about to choose Columbia over Princeton. I am going to make an appeal and show them Stanford’s package (which was amazing), do you guys think it will make a difference?</p>

<p>Oh, and ksarmand ( i think you asked?) I eliminated Stanford for various reasons, including the location (really far away), the social environment, the themed housing, etc… Just didn’t see myself comfortable there…</p>

<p>Did anyone have any good review on the Princeton Preview?</p>