2014 CBHP & UFE Notifications

<p>Looking at threads from [url=&lt;a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-alabama/1297446-ufe-and-cbh-p1.html]2012[/url”&gt;http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-alabama/1297446-ufe-and-cbh-p1.html]2012[/url</a>] and [url=&lt;a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-alabama/1469794-ufe-letters-are-on-their-way.html]2013[/url”&gt;http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-alabama/1469794-ufe-letters-are-on-their-way.html]2013[/url</a>], it appears that notification letters for CBHP and University Fellows were mailed out around March 7 - 8. Notifications reached Alabama residents shortly thereafter, and then gradually made their way across the country. Just wondering if this year’s finalists have heard anything yet.</p>

<p>If you’ve received notification (or are anxiously awaiting notification :slight_smile: ), please post here. Best of luck to all!!!</p>

<p>Anxiously awaiting!</p>

<p>We are anxiously awaiting too. Do acceptances come snail mail or email?</p>

<p>S . . . N . . . A . . . I . . . L . . . . . . M . . . A . . . I . . . L . . . . :(</p>

<p>My ds is anxiously waiting as well. :)</p>

<p>We are 2 hours from T-town so I will post as soon as we hear anything.</p>

<p>I’m in PA and I heard this morning that I got in!</p>

<p>Congratulations, Mandy! Which program, and how’d you hear? Did you get a letter?</p>

<p>Wishing all the waiting candidates “Good Luck!!”. I heard that there was a great group of students at the CBH weekend.
Just a reminder that this is really not the last nor the only opportunity that The University of Alabama offers. Seriously, your students will find much success and happiness at Bama.</p>

<p>Congratulations, Mandy! </p>

<p>Roll Tide, Mandy! :D/ </p>

<p>Congratulations Mandy16!!!
Which program?</p>

<p>nothing in today’s mail. Anticipation!</p>

<p>No news here either. </p>

<p>Just checked the mail- nothing. :frowning:
I hate waiting…</p>

<p>Keeping my fingers crossed that you all have good news!!! :)</p>

<p>We didn’t hear anything today. Did anyone else get notified?</p>

<p>I remember my son waiting, I recall that it took nine days to get the letter from Bama. All the snail mail coming from the university seems to take that long. To this day, I still don’t know where the delay stems from.</p>

<p>nothing here. </p>

<p>Nothing here either!</p>