UFE/CBH Weekend

If I’m not mistaken, university fellows and CBH weekend is this weekend. Any reports?

UFE just ended, and CBH will begin later today.

DS will be at the mixer this evening after studying for his Orgo 2 test tomorrow to mingle with this years CBH Finalists…will post if he has any nuggets of interest.

My son and four other current CBH’s had lunch with 15 of the early arriving finalists before the official 3:00pm check in. Each CBH student sat at a table with three or four finalist. He said they all seemed a little nervous at first (expected) but opened up as the time went on. He enjoyed the time with the finalist at his table.


Anyone hear back post-finalist weekend for either UFE or CBH yet? My DD is a CBH finalist and we are anxiously awaiting to hear something. I think someone heard maybe by 3/10? Also, what are the chances of getting honors housing if we didn’t put our deposit in until the end of Feb?

Anxiously waiting as well. My son is really hoping to have a spot in the program. He said there were so many talented finalists there for the interview weekend. He also thought that they would receive a response today, but based on previous years posts it seems a little early. Good luck!

@mlh2012 CBH notified via snail mail, I don’t know about UFE.

@mlh2012 My DD got an email saying that the CBH responses were mailed this afternoon and that everyone should receive them no later than Wednesday.

Since everyone in the UFE office is in Cuba 'til the end of spring break, I’d assume those decisions were mailed out also.

Got the CBH letter in Illinois today :)))

Dodgersmom…Just like everything else Alabama you are correct… CBH and UFE were mailed together…

Or I should say mailed on the same day.

Me too! Should we start a group on Facebook?

CBH letter received by D17 in Alaska today (a couple days earlier than we expected), FWIW.