<p>Does anyone know how we might learn of acceptance or rejection from either of these programs?</p>

<p>Sometimes it’s before Spring Break and sometimes after. There’s no set date.</p>

<p>Snail mail. Snaaaiiiiiillllll maaaiiillllllllll…yes, it takes that long!</p>

<p>Congrats to all. I am sure you will hear very soon. My daughter received a surprise notification yesterday via snail mail that she has been accepted into the Medical Scholars Program at Saint Louis University. Although we likely will not accept, it was just the boost she needed after being wait listed for CBHP.</p>

<p>Dr. Sharpe informed the parents at the UFE weekend that they HOPED to have all the decisions completed by two weeks after the weekend. So I would assume that–if all is going to plan–notifications will go out next week, and yes, it will all be via snail mail.</p>

<p>However, he did say this was just a hope, and asked everyone to be patient.</p>

<p>Good Luck!</p>

<p>Just wondering if anyone has heard any news yet on CBHP…really hoping that decisions come out before spring break!</p>

<p>I haven’t received anything snail mail or Crimson mail! There were so many out of state finalists- wonder if Alabama is sure they are committed before offering a position? Maybe we’ll hear before Spring Break.</p>

<p>no word in our house yet either. No mail yet today…</p>

<p>Perhaps the postman will deliver some news today! I could happen…</p>

<p>reporting NO mail from UA today…but there was a Starbx FREE DRINK coupon ;)</p>

<p>the postman didn’t come through for us today. :(</p>

<p>No love from the mailman here either. Well, he did bring a $5 BBB coupon! :)</p>

<p>Just met with Allison today and she mentioned that letters were being mailed today at least for UFE. Good luck all!</p>

<p>Thanks for the inside info, momom2. Hopefully will include CBHP letters too!
And hopefully no ER visits are on your tour for today! Hope you feel better!</p>

<p>Sent from my DROID RAZR using CC</p>

<p>How much time to they gives us to make a final decision? I am guessing that it will coincide with the actual decsions on where to attend, so we will have some time. But I have also seen some of these letters and program surprise me with quick decision periods.</p>

<p>reporting NO MAIL in Indy today…</p>

<p>no mail in Maryland either…:(</p>

<p>CBH gives you until April 16 to make your decision.</p>

<p>Apparently both decisions are out. People in Alabama have already received answers from both UFE and CBHP. Keep an eye on the mail!</p>

<p>Thanks Met. Maybe today! !!</p>

<p>Sent from my DROID RAZR using CC</p>