2015 AAs Where Are You Applying?

<p>I’m new here! :slight_smile: but I’m applying to:</p>

University of San Francisco
University of Minnesota – Twin Cities</p>

<p>Northeastern University (my first choice!)
Boston University
American University
George Washington University
Fordham University</p>

Northwestern University
Brown (haha LEAST likely. applying for fun… sorta)

<p>No I do not use that kind of language on a daily basis :stuck_out_tongue: Gosh you guys get sooo defensive xD anyways, Yes, for me, UVA is a safety, as a matter as fact, any public school is a safety to me</p>

<p>^You need to stop being pretentious. [UVA</a> isn’t a safety for anyone](<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-virginia/890455-i-had-2390-sat-i-waitlisted.html]UVA”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-virginia/890455-i-had-2390-sat-i-waitlisted.html)…and if you don’t use that language on a daily basis, why use it on a message board?</p>

<p>Because its the internet… and im not giving a speech in front of millions of people at a awards ceremony… rather be pretentious than beat down on my chances… I know UVA isnt a safety… but its nice to think that way sometimes :p</p>

<p>1.Brown (ED! I’m sooo nervous!)
3.University of Miami
4.Penn State


You don’t need to be giving a speech in front of millions of people at an awards ceremony to know that its not appropriate to address African-Americans as ‘nyggas’, whether that’s in real life or on the internet.</p>

<p>I completely agree w/ Harambee. Scales i think you should just stop talking. you are not redeeming yourself and i’m sure about 99 percent of the people who are reading what you write are offended. this is not the appropriate place for that language and i honestly can think of no situation where it would be. As you can tell, the people on this site are looking to move beyond sterotypes like that.
And as stated above, UVA is not a safety. Don’t be pretentious and don’t be offensive 'cause no one appreciates it.</p>

<p>I guess I made my point (:</p>

<p>@Shacoria, why so many? The supplements must have taken a long time to complete.</p>

<p>I applied using the commonapp and I did them over a period of time, like not all in one day. I mean what it comes down to is that my counselors recommended I apply to some Ivy League schools because I could probably get in and a lot of them are need blind. What I really need is a school that will give me a full ride(full tuition, room and board). I figured the more schools I apply to the better my chances of getting what I need. I really don’t want to have to take out a loan.</p>

<p>@Shacoria I was thinking the same and I am edge …so I need to make sure I get in somewhere …or else its community college and thats like a nightmare</p>

<p>Hey guys, updated list</p>

<p>ED: Northwestern (Hope I get in)</p>

<p>Priority App: U of Illinois Urbana -Champaign (safety)</p>

<p>RD: Marquette, Columbia University, Cornell University, Syracuse University (reaches)</p>


<p>Cool. I’m applying to Marquette too :)</p>

<p>Hey since you mentioned it, I’m curious if anyone else has been getting a ton of those priority application things. I keep getting them from different schools like Grace College and The Kings College in New York.</p>

<p>I heard it’s a good school and my econ teacher told me he knows some really interesting people who graduated from there that really loved it.
Yeah same here. I’ve gotten a couple letters from the Kings college but I feel like I already have my colleges ironed out plus I dont feel like spending 30 bucks to get them my scores and everything.</p>

<p>…i get them from colleges in Florida …my mom wants them to stop sending me stuff lol I am like its not my fault. I already have my list and if it gets any bigger I will be having a class called applications.</p>


<p>I didn’t even send my SAT or ACT scores to Kings College and I paid no application fee and I still got in. LOL. Kings College has been sending letters to lots of my friends in my A.P. classes</p>

<p>Really? Well then maybe I should apply. It’s always nice to get acceptances lol. Makes me feel better about my chances at Northwestern.</p>

<p>wow it cost 30 bucks to sent act or sat scores …we are so getting ripped off at the highest level</p>

<p>Definetly. ACT makes you pay 10 for each test date per college and SAT makes you pay 10 for each college. So if I want to send my scores to each college I have to pay 30 if I send all my scores. definte rip-off haha</p>

<p>^Couldn’t agree more. It’s just ridiculous how much money the College Board makes off of students. Especially high-achieving students. Just imagine how much money they make from AP exams, SATs, Subject Tests, PSATs, CSS profiles, their books…and I bet the ACT isn’t much different.</p>