2015 African American Results Thread



<p>Well, there are differences between socializing with family versus complete strangers…</p>



<p>Yep, that’s definitely true. Personally, I only attended Columbia’s Diversity Program, and it was a very enjoyable experience, and everyone there was not African-American - there were people from diverse ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds, which I think are equally important.</p>

<p>“I’m assuming the rest of your family is black. Why would socializing with black non-family members be that different?”</p>

<p>We have thought that as well. Aside from the four of us in our immediate family, we only see family about once a year.</p>

<p>With regard to other cultures, I agree, but these particular schools are specificallyfor black students, although one of them hosts hispanic students at the same time.</p>

<p>@Shrinkrap, I would strongly encourage your son to go. There are probably others like him (a little apprehensive) there too. I think he’s worried about the blacks judging him and not liking him or something. If I met him, I would befriend him assuming he’s not weird. Give them a chance. Also, every now and then, we need to get out of our comfort zone. </p>

<p>Sent from my HTC EVO 4G using CC App</p>

<p>Stats and Prior Results: <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/12271956-post66.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/12271956-post66.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;


<p>Full Ride at UT (only full ride in the College of Natural Sciences)</p>

<p>Accepted: Princeton (1st Choice)
Waitlisted: Harvard
Rejected: Yale</p>

<p>Really happy with this season.</p>

<p>Where were you accepted: Mt. Holyoke College, waitlisted @ smith college, waiting on Bryn mawr, wellesley, Columbia university (their non trad student programs)
Did you get any scholarships/ Honors program: Dunno yet</p>

<p>[ b]Stats:[ /b][ list]
[ *] SAT:N/a
[ *] SAT IIs:n/a
[ *] ACT:
[ *] GPA:3.93
[ *] Rank:n/a
[ *] Ap Courses:n/a
[ *] Other stats: Phi theta kappa
[ /list][ b]Subjective:[ /b][ list]
[ *] Essays:it rocked!
[ *] Teacher Recs: biology professors, sociology professor
[ *] Counselor Rec:
[ *] Hooks: URM, Non-trad.
[ /list][ b]Location/Person:[ /b][ list]
[ *] State or Country: Pennsylvania
[ *] School Type: Liberal Arts
[ *] Gender: female
[ *] major strength/weakness: years of writing, age(non trad), weakness… such a huge gap in education
[ *] why you think you were accepted/rejected/deferred where you were: essay strength, life exp.
[ *] significant awards/recognitions:
[ *] summer activities:
[ /list][ b]Other Factors:[ /b]</p>

<p>Good Luck Everyone !</p>

<p>yeah i’m a old head (28), but i am applying to some top liberal arts colleges. I am excited to join you all! peace and love and congrats to you all!</p>

<p>I am about to post my results but how did you guys do so well on the SATs? I did horrible compared to most people here. :/</p>

<p>Vloria, don’t be discouraged. Most people on CC aren’t average students. The fact that the majority of users are above average makes it seem as if this board represents “the average student” lol.</p>

<p>Where were you accepted: Boston College, Georgetown’s School of Foreign Service, UPenn, University of Chicago, Princeton</p>

<p>Did you get any scholarships/ Honors program: Did not apply for FA but received $10,000 per year to uChicago. Most schools I applied to are without honor’s programs.</p>

<p>[ b]Stats:[ /b][ list]
[ *] SAT: 2190; 690 Math, 760 Reading, 740 Writing
[ *] SAT IIs: 750 US History, 720 Biology
[ *] ACT: didn’t take
[ *] GPA: 3.9
[ *] Rank: Does not rank
[ *] Ap Courses: EuropeanHistory (4), US History (5), Language and Composition (5), French (3), American Government (5): currently in Art History, Macroeconomics, Literature and Composition
[ *] Other stats:
[ /list][ b]Subjective:[ /b][ list]
[ *] Essays: Pretty Good
[ *] Teacher Recs: Read one of them and it was pretty good, maybe a little generic however
[ *] Counselor Rec: IDK
[ *] Hooks: URM
[ /list][ b]Location/Person:[ /b][ list]
[ *] State or Country: NJ
[ *] School Type: Public
[ *] Gender: F
[ *] major strength/weakness:
[ *] why you think you were accepted/rejected/deferred where you were: I stood out in my essay topics
[ *] significant awards/recognitions: National Achievement Outstanding, AP Scholar with Distinction, a few MUN awards
[ *] summer activities: College classes
[ /list][ b]Other Factors:[ /b]</p>

<p>You are all so amazing.</p>

<p>I wish that I had had that initiative to work harder 3 years ago. Perhaps, then I could look at some of the great colleges that ya’ll were accepted to.
Now I know the caliber of students that I will be “against” next year, which kind of scares the heck out of me.</p>

<p>You all worked very hard, and are very, very blessed to be going where you are.</p>

<p>Good luck in college! ^_^</p>

<p>Agreed! You guys are so amazing! Hopefully I’ll be able to join you all someday. Best of luck!</p>

<p>OK so my results are all over the place. Just thought I’d come up with one simple, comprehensive list. Here goes…</p>


<p>Bowdoin College
Carleton College
George Washington University (Presidential Scholar, 15K/year)
Macalester College
Occidental College
Pomona College
Skidmore College
University of Chicago
University of the Pacific
University of the Virgin Islands (in-state safety)
Vassar College (REALLY WANT TO ATTEND)</p>


<p>Amherst College*
Dartmouth College*
Swarthmore College</p>

<p>*accepting place on waitlist</p>


<p>Columbia University
Stanford University
Yale University</p>

<p>^ Nice! Good luck!</p>

<p>My son (3.2/1230/1890, varsity captain, student council, editor, upper middle class in N. Cal)</p>

<p>Original list with recent updates…some surprises</p>

<li>Cal Lutheran U -didn’t apply</li>
<li>Cal Poly SU San Luis ( the big reach, but his number one choice)-rejected</li>
<li>Cal State Poly U Pom-accepted</li>
<li>Cal SU Monterey Bay-accepted</li>
<li>Chapman U-didn’t apply</li>
<li>Gonzaga U-accepted</li>
<li>Loyola Marymount U-accepted!</li>
<li>Point Loma Nazarene-didn’t apply…thay are stii sending brochures!</li>
<li>San Diego SU-rejected</li>
<li>Santa Clara U-accepted!</li>
<li>Sonoma SU-accepted</li>
<li>U Calif Santa Cruz-rejected</li>
<li>U Redlands-didn’t apply</li>
<li>U San Diego-didn’t apply</li>
<li>Whittier C-didn’t apply</li>
<li>Willamette U-accepted</li>

UCR-wait list
Universty of Portland-accepted
Universty of Pacific-accepted

<p>Visited So Cal last weekend, and surprisingly impressed with CPP.
LMU’s preview days was S<em>P</em>C<em>E</em>T<em>A</em>C<em>U</em>L<em>A</em>R*…unfortunaltely…most expensive, and only private school with no money offered, although all but Willamette has been a token.</p>

<p>BUT a token in the context of a PNW school brings it down to a UC COA.</p>

<p>Accepted USC, Cornell, WUStL, UC Irvine</p>

<p>3.9 UW GPA
2080 SAT
720 MathII and Bio M
Dual-sport athlete
National Achievement Finalist
National Honor Society
Summer health sciences program
lots of volunteer work: 300+ hours at a hospital
Pathfinder Teen Counselor
Recs: didn’t see them
Essays: Strong
Little League Umpire
Teacher’s Assistant</p>

<p>Shrinkrap - Can you say why you/your son decided not to apply to Chapman? LMU is also on his list of possibilities but it sounds like they’re not very generous with aid?</p>

<p>Where were you accepted: Harvard (attending), Brown (PLME), Columbia, Princeton, NYU, Stony Brook, Binghamton, Barnard, Macaulay Honors (Hunter), Sophie Davis
Did you get any scholarships/ Honors program: NYU - Dean’s Scholar, Stony Brook - Presidential Scholar, Sophie - full ride scholarship, National Achievement finalist</p>

[<em>] SAT: 2170
[</em>] SAT IIs: 740 Bio, 760 Math II, 730 Chem
[<em>] ACT: 35
[</em>] GPA: 4.00/94.8
[<em>] Rank: N/A
[</em>] AP Courses: Chemistry, US History, English Comp (junior); Biology, Calculus BC, Government, Latin, English Literature (senior)
[<em>] Essays: PM for details if you want.
[</em>] Teacher Recs: Never saw them. One from a bio teacher I’ve known all four years, one from a Latin teacher I’ve known for the past three years, one from a piano teacher I’ve known for 10 years.
[<em>] Counselor Rec: Didn’t see.
[</em>] Hooks: URM
[<em>] State or Country: New York
[</em>] School Type: Public
[<em>] Gender: Female
[</em>] summer activities: Intel research, hospital-shadowing

<p>^Hey you helped me with my essays! Thanks so much for that, I am glad to see that you were so successful in this process :)</p>

<p>Accepted to Stanford, UNC (w/scholarship), Duke, Princeton</p>

[<em>] SAT I: 2160
[</em>] SAT II: 800 U.S. History, 780 Biology
[<em>] GPA (out of 4.0): ~3.7
[</em>] Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): 2/400
[<em>] AP Courses: 5, 5, 5, 5, 4
[</em>] Major Awards: National Achievement, AP Scholar w/Distinction, nothing major.
[<em>] Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): President of a few clubs, member in a bunch
[</em>] Job/Work Experience: Worked a bit in the summer
[<em>] Summer Activities: Working, volunteering, having fun.
[</em>] Essays: Decent. Felt like I rushed them, but they worked!
[<em>] Teacher Recommendation: Excellent.
[</em>] Counselor Rec: Haven’t read it, but i’m sure it was great.
[<em>] Applied for Financial Aid?: Yessir
[</em>] Intended Major: Undecided.
[<em>] State (if domestic applicant): NC
[</em>] School Type: Public
[<em>] Gender: Male
[</em>] Income Bracket: <$100k
[li] Why you think you were accepted/waitlisted/rejected: God.[/li][/ul]General Comments: I’m extremely blessed and very fortunate. Best of luck to future classes! Everything will work out in the end.</p>

<p>“I will study and get ready, and perhaps my chance will come.”

  • Abraham Lincoln</p>

<p>Where were you accepted: Loyola, Notre Dame, Marquette, University of Chicago</p>

<p>Waitlisted: Duke</p>

<p>Rejected: None</p>

<p>Did you get any scholarships/ Honors program: $12,000/year at Loyola, $10,000/ year at UChicago, $14,000/year at Marquette. Couple scholarships from Notre Dame</p>

[ *] SAT: Didn’t Take
[ *] SAT IIs: Didn’t Take
[ *] ACT: 27
[ *] GPA: 3.7
[ *] Rank: 27/360
[ *] Ap Courses: None
IB Courses: Full IB, so math , english, science, geography, art, spanish is all IB
[ *] Other stats: 6 on IB Psych exam</p>

[ *] Essays: Common app one was about transferring schools and adapting to change. For UChi and ND I used humor in my essays. Wrote about cross country and my love for running, also link crew and volunteering. Also wrote about having a twin and how its shaped me. I showed how badly I wanted to go each school.
[ *] Teacher Recs: Read both, they were nice, one from English teacher was really good, considering I want to major in English
[ *] Counselor Rec: She called me a “gem”, so i guess thats good
[ *] Hooks: URM
[ /list][ b]Location/Person:[ /b][ list]
[ *] State or Country: Wisconsin
[ *] School Type: Public, urban
[ *] Gender: F</p>

<p>[ *] major strength/weakness: very low act score, but I did very well in my IB courses (all A’s) and took the hardest classes my school has. Being full IB. I’m pretty well rounded and have a ton of volunteer hours </p>

<p>[ *] why you think you were accepted/rejected/deferred where you were: I’m not too sure lol. I guess since I knew my scores weren’t too high I tried my hardest on the essays. Pretty sure my essays got me in. Plus I met a couple admission counselors personally at college fairs and made a good impression i guess. Perhaps being athletic, i don’t know… I didn’t psych myself out or anything I just tried my hardest and followed my heart</p>

<p>[ *] significant awards/recognitions: A couple art competitions, cross country awards, state academic award, nothing great</p>

<p>[ *] summer activities: work work work</p>

<p>Other Factors:
Perhaps having an equally qualified twin helped? I guess they sensed my passion for human rights and helping others. I’m just really thankful</p>

<p>Accepted: University of Alabama (Attending; full ride, Blount, and Honors), Hillsdale College, Macalester College, Mount Holyoke College, Sewanee, Simmons College, Smith College, UMBC
Waitlisted: Barnard College, Carleton College, Wellesley College
Rejected: Brown, University of Cambridge, Yale</p>

[<em>] SAT: 2090 - 800 CR, 580 M, 710 W
[</em>] SAT IIs: 740 Literature, 730 World History
[<em>] GPA: 3.81
[</em>] Rank: Either 2/32 or 3/32 - I officially find out tomorrow!
[<em>] AP Courses: U.S. History (4), European History (4; self-study), World History (3; didn’t report), English Language (4; self-study), Comparative Government (2; self-study; didn’t report)
[</em>] Other Stats: Completed an independent study in lieu of a French class; studied Islam in France
[<em>] Essays: Well-written and sincere
[</em>] Teacher Recs: Didn’t see, from AP English Lit teacher and history teacher
[<em>] Counselor Rec: Didn’t see
[</em>] Hooks: URM
[<em>] State or Country: Maryland, DC Area
[</em>] School Type: Independent
[<em>] Gender: Female
[</em>] Major strengths/weaknesses: Little to no extracurricular involvement, D in Honors Algebra II, uneven SAT scores
[<em>] Why you think you were accepted/rejected/deferred where you were: Cambridge told me outright that my academic record wasn’t strong enough to offer me an interview, let alone admission. =\ I don’t think that was totally the case at the other schools I was rejected or wait-listed at; I think my lack of involvement at school and the community definitely counted against me. I wasn’t well-rounded enough by far, strictly academic.
[</em>] significant awards/recognitions: NHS, National French Honor Society, National Achievement Finalist, Sewanee Book Award for Excellence in Writing, AP Scholar with Honor Award, cum laude
[li] Summer activities: I worked at the British Embassy Summer 2009, volunteered sporadically. [/li][/ul]</p>