<p>Most UCs have now updated their TAG agreements for Fall 2015. Unfortunately UCSB now no longer allows TAG for any major in the school of engineering, which is precisely what I had planned to do. I feel like someone just crushed my hopes and dreams honestly. If I had been ready 1 year sooner I could have TAG'd into my major (chem e) quite easily. Now I have to apply in the general pool where frankly I am not incredibly competitive. </p>
<p>3.78 Major GPA, 3.67 Overall GPA, will have all req'd and recommended base prep courses done. No leadership/club/community involvement, I work full time and am a part time student, age 27 so slightly non-traditional I suppose. A past 2 yr cc record that was an epic failure and then 4 solid years of redeeming myself at my current cc, so some learning/overcoming hardship. I'm considering TAG at UCI so I have some assurance of getting in somewhere.</p>
<p>Link to TAGs: <a href="http://admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/transfer/guarantee/">http://admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/transfer/guarantee/</a></p>