2017-2018 Scholarships

Here is the link to the 2017-2018 Scholarships


I am copying the Out of State Scholarship info here:


Please review our FAQ section for details on the scholarships listed below.

First time freshmen who meet the December 15 scholarship priority deadline, have a qualifying score on the ACT, old SAT (critical reading and math scores only) or new SAT (evidence-based reading and writing plus math, 1600 scale — see note below) and have at least a 3.5 cumulative high school GPA will be eligible for the following merit-based scholarships:


A student with a 27 ACT, 1210–1240 old SAT score or 1280-1300 new SAT score and a minimum 3.5 cumulative GPA will be selected as a Capstone Scholar and will receive $14,000 over four years ($3,500 per year).


With a 28 ACT, 1250–1280 old SAT score or 1310-1340 new SAT score and a minimum GPA of 3.5 a student will be named a Collegiate Scholar and will receive $16,000 over four years ($4,000 per year).


A student with a 29 ACT, 1290-1320 old SAT score or 1350-1380 new SAT score and at least a 3.5 GPA will be named a Foundation in Excellence Scholar and will receive $52,000 over four years ($13,000 per year).


If a student has a 30-31 ACT, 1330-1390 old SAT score or 1390-1440 new SAT score and at least a 3.5 GPA, he or she will be named a UA Scholar and will receive the value of two-thirds tuition, or $71,904 over four years ($17,976 per year).


A student with a 32-36 ACT, 1400-1600 old SAT score or 1450-1600 new SAT score and at least a 3.5 GPA will be selected as a Presidential Scholar and will receive the value of tuition, or $107,800 over four years ($26,950 per year). Students graduating with remaining tuition scholarship semester(s) may utilize these monies toward graduate school and/or law school study at UA.

It appears that the Foundation in Excellence Scholar is now a set amount, rather than half tuition. Or did it always have that kind of wording?

Yes, I looked at old OOS scholarship brochures (I keep everything!), and you are an eagle-eye on that language, @mom2collegekids. The language used to say “This scholarship provides the value of one-half tuition, or $xxxxx over four years ($xxxxx per year).” Could be a subtle difference…or a subtle oversight by those who wrote that webpage.

Son qualifies for the OOS Presidential. Is there an engineering supplement still? I thought there was $2500 towards a dorm.


The CofE webpage says to check back later in the summer: http://eng.ua.edu/admissions/scholarships/

@aeromom Someone reported that the COE Scholarship page will be updated on August 1.

I’m not sure when the engineering scholarships will be updated. I did however receive an email from saskia Clayton (the engineering scholarship specialist) stating they would be updated in mid july.

It could be any day now I suppose.


The engineering scholarship guidelines are posted but they don’t make sense. There must an error.

Big change for Engineering scholarships . . .

Looks like they are now exclusively aimed at high scoring & committed students.

"Students must declare a major within the UA College of Engineering by May 1, 2017, to qualify for the Engineering Scholarship Program.

Engineering Scholarship Program for 2017-2018 Academic Year

College of Engineering four-year merit-based scholarship packages are awarded to incoming freshmen having at least a 3.5 GPA through junior year of high school and a qualifying test score.

Award tier is determined by test score, as follows:

Dean’s Engineering Excellence Tier
$1,500/year for 4 years ACT: 27-29 composite score
Old SAT: 1210-1320 critcal reading + math score
New SAT: 1280-1380 score on redesigned exam

Engineering Leadership Tier
$2,500/year for 4 years ACT: 30-36 composite score
Old SAT: 1330-1600 critcal reading + math score
New SAT: 1390-1600 score on redesigned exam

These awards are guaranteed to freshmen entering fall 2017 directly from high school, regardless of residency. Engineering Scholarship Program awards will stack on top of scholarships offered by Undergraduate Admissions.

Students must be formally admitted to UA by December 15, 2016; and must declare Engineering major by May 1, 2017, to qualify.

Note: Test scores must be from a single sitting (no super scoring) taken December 2016 or earlier."

Aside from having to declare a major (which isn’t binding anyway), what are the changes?

These were the requirements back in 2013-14:


Maybe I’m missing something, but it looks like they just summarized the requirements. In the past, they wrote them out so you could match your situation up with your other, university, merit scholarship.


There are no big changes. There really aren’t any changes at all. Declaring an eng’g or CS major was ALWAYS required.

Looks like they are now exclusively aimed at high scoring & committed students.


THOSE scores were always required. There never were any eng’g awards for lower scores. Always aimed at those scores.

@mmom99 What do you think are “big changes” or even “changes”???

@mom2collegekids . I think she is talking about this part.

“Students who have a 30-31 ACT or 1330-1390 SAT (math and verbal scores only) and at least a 3.5 cumulative GPA will receive a tuition supplement to bring their University-level scholarship offer up to the value of tuition.”

That wasn’t true when my son entered in the fall of 2014. He came in as an undeclared engineer and had to declare his major by the end of his freshman year.

@MichiganGeorgia, that change was made last fall, I believe, so you’re right that that’s different for the class entering in the fall of 2017, but that change was already widely known. And there was no mention of that in @mmom99’s post, so that’s why a few of us are scratching our heads.

@MichiganGeorgia that change was announced a LONG time ago. UA eng’g announced the discontinuation of that extra 1/3 several months ago on the eng’g website. It has been discussed many times, including the “whys” that it was discontinued.

@LucieTheLakie Are you saying that the student can no longer declare Engineering - Undecided in regards to discipline?

@mom2collegekids, that’s how I interpret that new language. But maybe “undeclared” is an option under engineering majors when you apply? (It was at Penn State IIRC.) Not a big deal, IMO. My son was leaning towards ME and that’s what he decided on in the end.

I think that there has always been an Engineering-Undeclared option. Someone couldn’t just put Undeclared and get the money.

But you’re right…not a big deal. Someone can temporarily choose a discipline and change. I don’t know if General Eng’g is also still an option.

We’ll need one of our HS Class of 2017 families to do reconnaissance when their kiddo applies and see what major options are available in the CoE! :slight_smile:

@mom2collegekids , I was referring to big changes for the next classes of students. I hadn’t noticed the change before, and perhaps I missed earlier mentions of it here. I apologize if I was in error.

My eldest (NM Scholar, Comp Sci major) is a rising Sophomore at UA and my 2nd child, another probable NMF and another probable engineering dept major, is seriously considering UA as well, so i was just now checking in on whether the numbers look similar for him. My son’s scores/etc are strong, so he’ll be eligible for the higher ENG scholarship along with NMF money, so that’s all good for us.

I had thought that the (2500/yr) ENG scholarships had been automatic for ALL ENG majors previously. Perhaps I was wrong. It hadn’t been pertinent to us since our student was a high scorer.

I think UA is exceptionally generous with merit money, and we are very grateful for that as well as the many wonderful opportunities UA provides.

My apologies.

Just to clarify – this scholarship is only good for up to 16 credits per semester? (I got a range of 12 - 16 credits for full-time enrollment from the CDS.) Also, since they attach a dollar figure, I’m assuming that any rise in tuition would not be covered, correct?

NerdMom88, are you asking about the Presidential or Engineering Scholarship. Unless things have changed, my son was able to take 20+ credits as long as it was okayed by the counselor and have the Presidential Scholarship cover all the classes. The engineering scholarship of $2500 per year just gets applied to your bill as a credit - I don’t think the amount of credits affects anything. Not sure how the amount of credit hours affect other scholarships though.