2021-2022 USC Transfer

" * You can make limited changes after you submit your application. You can add new test scores, experiences, achievements, and/or certifications (where applicable), but you cannot edit existing entries. You can also update recommendations with “new” or “in-progress” statuses and select additional programs to apply to. All other sections are read-only."

Found here: Submitting and Completing Your USC Application - Liaison.

i can’t believe we’re still waiting it’s almost may :sob::sob::sob:

does anyone know if USC typically only releases decisions at night?

Ahh darn. I wish I knew there was a way for me to put updates onto my application in advance (not few weeks before the decision). Thank you for the clarification (:

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the second choice major i applied to was annenberg. i realized i did not all of the recommendations for that school because i focused too much on marshall’s ones. it was nice knowing you guys, my life is over (,:

Just do it! Make changes to your application if you must. At this point, it can only help you :slight_smile:

Best of luck!

has anyone not received an email about the topping scholarship? I would definitely qualify but I didn’t get one and I feel like I’m the only one :neutral_face:

how do i make changes? i tried looking it up but i still dont know

no :frowning:

yes i believe it should be open to most applicants

log into your common application, and then when you see “My Application”, there should be a box on the top that says, " **Making changes?**Send application updates to your submitted programs." There should be a blue button that reads, “Update My Application”. Let me know if you need help from there.

thank you! i do not have “making changes?” on my common app /:

does anyone know what time usc usually releases decisions?

does anyone know where we can check stats of people who were admitted?

^ also wondering

I wonder if we’ll receive any decisions tonight since it’s Thursday night lol

I doubt it, it’s already 11:40 for me

does anyone know if your portal changes at all the day u receive a status update for admission?

I doubt it does for usc since no one mentioned that, u just get an email saying there’s a status update in ur portal

There is a CC forum USC 2021-2022 Transfer Students STATS & DECISIONS ONLY. Some of them updated their post with their decision (accepted/rejected/SGR)

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