2021-2022 USC Transfer

On my applicant portal it still says that my college transcripts have not been submitted. Although the service I used to send my transcripts from my college to USC said that USC had downloaded the file . Any recommendations? About a month ago they asked me to upload all my classes i’ve taken and the grades I got in the classes, is that enough?

Talk to your admissions counselor that is serving your area. It could be a glitch or that they haven’t updated it.

mine just updated today I think the system is just taking a while. A lot of people have said that their counselors said not to stress it as long as they know they sent them correctly. My high school transcript still says awaiting I’m just being patient.

Same was waiting from Jan was so annoying!

Yea TTP!

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Has anybody gotten any new decision updates? Any TTP or non-TTP applicants getting SGR’s or acceptances/rejections? Also, do we think it could come out tomorrow for at least TTP applicants, cause last year it came out on the the 2nd Wednesday of April.

TTP and Legacy here. Haven’t heard anything yet; no SGR’s or decisions whatsoever. From speculation within this forum, I think it’s safe to assume that TTP applicants will hear back by the end of this week. The excitement (and anxiety) is real!

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I’m TTP and legacy too. No SGR or decision yet and they only just updated my portal yesterday that they received my college transcript.

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Wait I’m so confused. My application portal says “mid-year transcript” and then next to it says “received” on March 31st. However, I never asked my school to send it. Is that the Spring Grade Request? I also had a D+ in econ at the time, is that gonna affect me? SOMEONE, PLEASE ANSWER!!!

If it’s a spring grades request, then it should have a red X next to it in your application checklist. If not, then maybe talk with your admissions counselor

Also, if you had one D, its not exactly a dealbreaker, but if you explained why that happened then you should be okay.

What is mid year transcript never seen that before, is that something like mid term report?

honestly, I have no idea

thanks! where do I explain it though?

i’d suggest getting in touch with your counselor because if you didn’t request it, it shouldn’t have arrived/green mark shouldn’t be there. If it was spring grades request, then i’m sure spring grades aren’t out yet, so there’s no way it in the portal right now (especially since u don’t request it). best thing to do is to get it cleared with someone in the admissions.

In your essays. If this was something you didn’t do, hope for the best, and expect the worst. One D will not kill your entire application, but that’s not what USC is looking for in terms of grades they expect out of applicants. Talk to your admissions counselor about it and explain why briefly. It’s too late to change what your essays say, but you may be okay. The problem is when low grades become a habit in applicants. That’s a straight rejection.

I’m in no way trying to scare you, but after reading this forum and many others about USC admissions, there’s a lot to expect, but nothing is a dealbreaker unless if you show them that you’re progressing.

@nipol1 Mid year would have been sent in January after that semester or quarter that finished in December or January. You can’t really hide the grade as they will get it sometime.

Sorry, but a D+ will certainly impact your application, what is your major?

But the D+ came about at the end of March, so how could I have written about it in my application? I applied as a business major, with my second choice in anthropology.

what if you end up with 27 graded credits this semester and 3 from retroactive credit? would they still consider it? my high school unweighted was below their average i think, but my weighted and class rank were still good. im just wondering because this puts me exactly at 30, but if they don’t consider the retroactive i earned here it is still at 27. my college gpa if i get the grades im on track for this semester would put me at 3.88 about, and I am at 3.72 right now just from the fall semester. the retroactive credit was included on the transcript they sent me. im taking the writing class they wanted this semester and ive done calc 3 first semester and im almost done linear algebra this semester