2021 UC Admit Rates based on Capped Weighted UC GPA

This type of thing where the weighted-capped GPA goes down if the student took more courses in 10th-11th grade (even all A grades in honors courses) may have a more significant effect at some CSUs for some majors, since CSUs calculate an admission index based on weighted-capped GPA and take the highest scoring applicants until the major is filled (accounting for expected yield of the admitted students). For SJSU CS, the frosh admission threshold was equivalent to a 4.35 GPA, although some students effectively got +0.25 add-ons for being in the local area.

However, most majors at most CSUs are not so competitive that the student taking that many additional courses (presumably a strong student with a high GPA) would have to worry about it (e.g. many majors at SJSU had frosh admission thresholds equivalent to a 2.60 GPA).

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