240 National Merit Finalist, how many Presidential Scholarship recipients?

<p>The latest figure states that 240 National Merit Finalist at the University of Alabama 2012-2013, anyone know how many Presidential Scholarship freshmen for the year 2012-2013. Thanks!</p>

<p>It should be stated, of course, that MANY NMFs are high-stats-across-the-board kids who ALSO qualify for the Presidential (especially in light of the “qualifying” SAT score required to verify/advance NMSFs to NMF status, regardless of their particular state’s PSAT cutoff score)</p>

<p>…whether the Presidential tuition scholarship ALONE would have been attractive enough to commit them to UA is impossible to say…but may become more clear as the UA NMF housing-portion scholarship is reduced in 2013 and going forward.</p>

<p>I think that wvacupuncture is asking about presidential scholarship numbers beyond (or in addition to- how ever you want to look at it) those that have the NMF. I assume that most, if not all of the NMF’s would be eligible for the presidential.</p>

<p>In 2009, I think it was reported that about 500 frosh had the Presidential scholarship. I haven’t seen any reported numbers since. Since the other numbers are growing (NMF, NA, frosh class), we can only guess that the 500 number is higher.</p>

<p>Every NMF/NA student gets the Presidential.</p>

<p>I believe that the number included the students who got the big NM packages, but during that year (2009), the number on NM’s was smaller than today.</p>

<p>I would guess that about 600 frosh had the Presidential.</p>

<p>How do you know if you are an NMF!</p>

<p>So, 10%ish? Are there 5000 freshman?</p>

<p>I think there are about 6000 frosh these days. I think that last fall there were about 6,000 frosh as well.</p>

<p>Hi phillygirl255,
You will get an old fashioned letter in the mail from the National Merit Scholarship organization.</p>


<p>First you have to be named a NM Semi Finalist based on your PSAT score and the state you’re from.</p>

<p>I got a letter from another school saying I was a national merit finalist
Does this mean I am a national merit semi finalist . I have no letter from company</p>

<p>What do you mean that you got a letter from “another school”. Did you go to a different high school for your junior year?</p>

<p>Yes, the NMCorp letter will first go the high school, and then the HS will give it to the student.</p>

<p>What state are you in? What was your PSAT?</p>

<p>No I went to the same school all for years and a different university sent my a letter telling me I was a national merit scholar I live in PA and it was 180</p>

<p>I’m sure someone (m2ck?) will come along to verify, but there’s no way a 180 would be national merit finalist. Most likely, that other college was sending you some sort of marketing piece.</p>

<p>180 was sophomore year I got a 215 my junior year ! Which one do they look at ?</p>


<p>Junior year. It appears the cutoff for the 2012 Finalists from your state was 215. That number may change up or down by a point or two, but it looks like you have a very good chance. Good Luck!</p>

<p>Every single states score seems to have gone down this year. So you LIKELY are a NMSF. Good for you! </p>

<p>Sent from my DROID RAZR using CC</p>

<p>Phillygirl, great job jumping 35 points on your PSAT! My son got a 190 last year as a sophomore and he is shooting for 215 on next month’s test so I am wondering how much effort did you put into studying for your second test? Any helpful hints?</p>

<p>PA 214</p>

<p>Looks like you made it!! PA’s cutoff is 214 this year.</p>

<p>Congrats, you’re a NMSF!!!</p>

<p>Well Done, Phillygirl - Lots of excitement coming your way, your folks must be bursting with pride. Remember to read all the paperwork carefully, and don’t miss any deadlines.</p>

<p>Roll Tide, you NMSF you!</p>

<p>a different university sent my a letter telling me I was a national merit scholar I live in PA and it was 180</p>

<p>The colleges received the list of who made NMSF in early August so that they could prepare their mailings, etc. Sometimes those mailers get to students before they’ve been told that they are a NMSF.</p>

<p>The day my son was told (about 3rd week in Aug) was the same day we came home to find a “congrats letter” and scholarship offer in the mailbox. If my son’s school hadn’t been an early-bird about telling students, it would have been sort of the notification.</p>