27 on my ACT... will it hurt my chances?

<p>UW is my #1 school, and this is the sixth time i've taken the ACT and the highest score I can get is a 27... pathetic, right? yeah. I'm NOT good with standardized tests, no matter how many classes i take on it.
I go to a VERY well known challenging, private high school, and have taken advantage of the PSEO program at the University of Minnesota and a few AP classes. I have a GPA of 3.45 with an upward grade trend and challenging courses including physics and calculus.
I'm hispanic, female, and born in Wisconsin.
I play Violin and Flute. I am a National Honor Society student, I lettered in Track and Field and Cross Country Running, and I have over 200 volunteer hours over the past 3 years. Assuming fabulous essays and two letters of recommendation, what are my chances of getting in? Did you get in?</p>

<p>You act score is good enough for madison. A 3.45gpa isn’t all that impressive, but if you write a solid essay with great recommedations, you will have a descent chance.</p>

<p>Yes, my GPA isn’t great for normal, public high schools. My school is extremely rigorous, and we usually get multipliers for our GPAs for in-state colleges.</p>

<p>I presume your cumulative gpa is the 3.45- your junior year one must be significantly higher if you have an upward trend. They will consider the more recent grades more than the overall gpa as they realize some students need to mature into performing at the level they are capable of. A school that is rigorous presumably offers students the material they need to get A’s- some students must have beeen able to. Remember that one fourth of the students will have stats below the midrange, although not likely both gpa and test scores.</p>