<p>As some of you might remember, I applied to USC when I was a senior in high school last year. My optimistic self, along with dozens of counselors, teachers, and others who repeatedly told me that I was a "shoe-in" for USC were rudely awakened upon receiving my rejection letter. I also appealed the desicion, but was again rejected. This rejection came during a very hard time in my life, and totally ruined my outlook upon my future. The last thing I had ever thought about came true: I had to attend the local CC.</p>
<p>Fast forward to December of 2005....I reapplied as a freshman in college, trying to earn a spot in the Fall 2006 class of sophomores. Everything looked good, and I guess it still does.</p>
<p>I just got home a few minutes ago, only to see my parents sort of flushed. I asked what was wrong, and they showed me an unopened USC letter. Worst part was, it was dejavu just like last year....getting the small letter.</p>
<p>I walked into my room and closed my door, got a letter opener and began to cut open the envelope. My hands began to literally shake a bit as all the images of me attending USC started to come back to me. I have quite a few friends who go there, and this past year, all I've been imagining and praying for is that one defining moment where I can be standing on the grass overlooking the campus library, hanging with a few friends, finally proud of myself.</p>
<p>Anyway, I pulled out the letter, already empty on hope and dreams I had created...but alas, it wasn't only one piece of paper. As I glanced at the wording on one side of the letter, I say "spring grades." Okay, I don't know how to explain the amount of relief I felt at that moment (almost 20 minutes ago.)</p>
<p>Well, I guess I can breathe a little easier, right? I mean, I've heard that if they were planning on rejecting me, I wouldn't even get this letter in the first place. Here's some extra information...</p>
<p>Fall Classes/Grades:</p>
<p>Anthropology 102 - A
Sociology 101- A
English 101- A
Art 101- A
Geography 101- A
Geography 111- A
Total Credits: 16</p>
<p>Winter Class/Grade:</p>
<p>Music 120- A
Total Credits- 3</p>
<p>Spring Classes/Grades:</p>
<p>Anthropology 101- B so far...improving
English 102- A
Economics 102- A/B Borderline
Computer Science/IS 101- A
Total Credits- 14</p>
<p>Total sum of credits after June: 33</p>
<p>As some of you might have noticed, I'm done with the prerequisites (was already done after winter semester) and am currently finishing the 2nd semester of english that is required. I was told that I finished my math requirement with AP Calculus in high school, and that I didn't need to worry about it anymore.</p>
<p>What do you guys think? Chances? Gut feelings? Any psychics on the board?</p>
<p>I got into the college's Dean List a month ago, and also was sent an inviation to Alpha Gamma Sigma, a "state honor society for high achieving students." I'm about to enroll in it this coming week, and I'm considering sending a packet with my fall/winter transcripts, currents classes being taken, a copy of the Dean's List certificate, along with a page explaining any additional EC's I've managed to stack up after December. I'm also worried about this semester's classes...the two that are close to becoming B's....will that have a big effect on the decision if I've had all A's and maybe one B?</p>
<p>Any comments will greatly be appreciated. I am praying night and day that, hopefully, USC will open its doors to me. That would truly be a dream come true.</p>
<p>(Reposting this in the transfer students section. Didn't realize we had one!)</p>