2nd Semester Senior Year Grades Impact

<p>As of now, i have 3 A's 4 B's and 1 C. One of those B's could possibly turn into a C depending on how much I study for the final. Would 2 C's for the 2nd semester hurt me in any way? I plan on doing electrical engineering, and when I talk to the dean of engineering, he basically told me C's are not acceptable.</p>

<p>I do not think this is true. I have not heard of anyone being rescinded because of a C or even 2 on their 2nd senior semester. I would not worry too much but you could contact the school and explain the down trend. Are you in some kind of scholarship?</p>

<p>I have the Hammond full tuition scholarship</p>

<p>I see. First, congratulations on your accomplishment. Second, find out if the scholarship requires a minimum grade average( most do) and if they look at it as a semester or as an annual grade. Third, see if there is a way that you can get some extra points in your school to make that C turn into at least. B-.Maybe there is a way to get some extra credit ( explain your situation). If you find yourself in a bind the best is to talk to the dean and see what can be done. However try first to get all the information to make sure you are not overreacting and see if you can work something with your HS.</p>