3.4 gpa.. 2300+ SAT EA CHANCES???

<p>So my gpa is terrible, i've gotten mostly B's with some A's during high school, but i have taken almost all honors courses and some APs junior and senior year. My test scores rock (i think), but that's pretty much all i have going for me. sooo i'll be applying to UMich early (im done with the app, my essays are stellar) as well as chicago, norcal, and boston college.</p>

<p>so my question is, what do you think of the 2 out of state colleges? if i was in state, i'm fairly confident i could get in, but does being out of state change things...enough so that isnt the case?</p>

<p>regarding chicago, which is my first choice, how decent of a shot do i have?</p>

<p>my counselor says BC is a match, so im REALLY counting on getting in. for peace of heart and mind</p>

<p>Race: CHINESE
Gender: M
Location: Lexington, MA
College Class Year: 2012
High School: Private
High School Type: sends some grads to top schools</p>


<p>GPA - Unweighted: 3.40
GPA - Weighted: 0.00
Class Rank: top 25%
Class Size: 500</p>


<p>SAT I Math: 780
SAT I Critical Reading: 780
SAT I Writing: 780</p>

<p>SAT II U.S. History: 760
SAT II Math Level 2 (IIC): 800
SAT II Chemistry: 760</p>

<p>AP US Hist: 5
AP Amer Lit: 4 (self study)
AP Bio: 5</p>


<p>Significant Extracurriculars: Violin, Business and Investment</p>

<p>Leadership positions: Principal Violinist, Lexington High School Honors Orchestra
Assistant Concertmaster, New England Conservatory Youth Repertory Orchestra
President and Founder, Lexington High School Business Club</p>

<p>Athletic Status - list sport and your level: Wrestling, Varsity (only freshman year, planning on senior year as well)</p>

<p>Volunteer/Service Work: English Teacher, Program Director, Yunnan University (China) 140 hrs
Teaching Assistant, Chinese School 200+ hrs
+random stuff, insignificant</p>

<p>Honors and Awards: President's Community Service Award, Silver
Massachusetts Music Teacher's Association State Violin Competition 1st, 3rd, 3rd,
National Merit Commended (222...damn MA cutoff)</p>

<p>yea so i think i might have left out some EC's, but i don't really have anything big</p>

<p>i seem so dinky compared to some people out here... :'(</p>

<p>UMich early - In
Chicago - Slight Reach
Norcal - What is this school?
Boston college -In</p>

<p>north carolina at chapel hill hahaha</p>

<p>^makes more sense to say UNC... norcal seems like university of northern california..</p>

<p>How is your weighted GPA 0?
It should be at least your unweighted GPA</p>

<p>And Lexington High School is definitely not private.</p>

<p>Noobcake: How do you figure "in" at UMich with a 3.4 unweighted GPA OOS? It was my impression that anything less than a 3.7 was an automatic "no"......Am i missing something? Truly, I hope that you are correct, but I'm not too sure.....Granted his SAT's are amazing, but I'm not sure Mich will care....</p>

<p>I didn't figure a 3.4 was life breaking; definitely on the low end. It was my understanding that his SAT of 2340 would be beyond solid anywhere. SAT is also solid, while EC is highly passable. Hopefully, the really high SAT for Michigan standard will make up for the GPA</p>

<p>Hope you are right! I know alot of people right now with very high SAT's and GPA's in the 3.6 range who would really like to go to UMich.....</p>

<p>Michigan will recalculate all GPA's removing 9th grade and nonacademics.</p>

<p>ninth grade i got all B's and one B-

<p>Chicago is more flexible in admissions than most top unis, and your test scores are awesome, so you have a chance there with great essays and some kind of explanation from your GC for your relatively low grades. Laziness won't do. Good idea to do that AP self-study since it shows motivation. I suppose they could also defer you to be able to look at next quarter's grades.</p>

<p>noobcake your wrong. i dont live in michigan and this past year 9 kids were accepted/enrolled in michigan. 1 i know had like a 3.0 maybe less and not outstanding scores either</p>

<p>so i'm kind of bombing first quarter.. i might get 2 C's</p>

<p>I'm writing my activities resume now and i realized that i actually do a looot of stuff</p>

<p>a lot more than i said on this post lol</p>

<p>too bad my essay for chicago is less than stellar... (so far)</p>

<p>What? You're only in Youth Repertory Orchestra? I would have expected seniors to be in at least Youth Symphony or maybe Youth Philharmonic Orchestra (which I'm in)</p>

<p>That being said, I think you have a good chance for Umich or chicago</p>

<p>ummm what
i was in YS 3 years ago
does it say only YRO in my profile? i was assistant SM of YRO 4 years ago

<p>*CM not SM (superbadatviolin master probably)</p>

<p>what are you doing now?</p>

<p>chillin **</p>

<p>what do u do/play? percussion?</p>