3 schools 3 years? Nursing Transfer

I am an out of state student from California currently attending UT Arlington as a freshman. I am interested in applying to Texas State for the upcoming school year, but since I am a nursing student, there is always the chance that I will not get accepted into Texas State’s nursing program. Should I stay at UTA then apply for nursing schools in my sophomore year? Or should I pursue transferring to Texas State or other schools? My current GPA is 3.25. (I do not plan to stay at UTA for nursing.)

I would move your question to the College Majors Thread then to Nursing Major. I think you would get a better response. Please list out the classes you have taken so far. Your GPA is on the low side. Unless you can raise it up, it may be an issue getting into a nursing program. Why do you not want the nursing program at UT - Arlington? Do you have to apply to it after your freshmen or sophomore year? Is it a non direct admit nursing program?

I’d call the admissions office and/or the nursing office and ask questions about the difficulty. I always recommend that people keep their options open, so if you really feel a need to transfer, I would apply to multiple colleges that offer the program you want.

@blueskyforever My GPA is not competitive for the nursing program at UTA, and this school just isn’t a very good fit for me due to its commuter atmosphere.

@IamATaco - Since you are presently living in Texas & attending a public university, there are many other public universities in Texas that offer nursing. I was able to locate the 2014 [could not find 2015] Texas NCLEX results. Here is the link:


Per the 2014 Texas NCLEX results, the following public universities have high NCLEX results above 90% with some schools in the 80’s. I didn’t include any under 80%. You will need to check with each school as to what their nursing admission requirements/profile are if you decide to transfer out of UT Arlington. There are also many 2 year community colleges with high NCLEX results.

UT - Tyler 90%
UT - Galveston 93%
UT - Houston 95%
UT - Austin 94% [extremely competitive]
UT - El Paso 85%
UT - Pan American 83%
UHouston-Victoria 95%
Texas A&M 98%
Texas A&M International 95%
Steven F. Austin State 88%
Tarleton State 84%
Angelo State 91%

I believe some commuter school programs often have high pass rates because many of their students are older students who are very serious about their studies (because they have a family to support) and who have worked in hospitals for years.