5 UA Phi Gam fraternity members jailed on hazing charges

If the charges are true, I hope they shut this fraternity down and expel the perpetrators:


And now the story has gone national:



Stupid is as stupid does.

Why wasn’t this fraternity shut down two years ago when some of the members attacked a former Marine who had made the unfortunate error of stopping to ask some of them for directions?

I look at the photos of these five Phi Gamma losers (yes, they are innocent until proven guilty but they still look like total losers, albeit likely very rich ones) and just have to laugh at the frat’s website claim that they “have a tradition of pledging the finest freshmen attending the University of Alabama.” Yeah, right.

I can think of many better things to do with all of those beautiful fraternity houses along Fraternity Row. An added benefit: clearing the air of the scent of vomit that permeates the area on Saturday mornings.


UA shut down SAE for a year or two in the recent past for hazing violations, so wouldn’t be surprised if this Frat is treated the same way.

…this is a prime example of why some of us just do not understand why anyone would enter into the Greek system…come at me bro if you want, but I’m just sayin’…

From Newsweek:

It appears the leadership of this fraternity actually acted like leaders and reported the perpetrators to university officials. If that’s indeed true I will retract my earlier comment in the OP that I hope the fraternity is shut down if the accusations prove to be true. I’m of the opinion that this fraternity probably still deserves some kind of sanctions (the allegations took place under their watch after all), but I’ll leave it up to the university and the fraternity’s national office to determine what those sanctions should be.

I do think the fact that they didn’t seek to cover up or obfuscate (assuming their statement is true) warrants consideration when determining their future on campus.

The 5 have been expelled

It’s a shame. This was widely considered to be one of the best.

@chesterdon. While I don’t disagree ypthat these 5 should be severely disciplined I think if you ban all fraternities because of hazing then you in turn need to ban all athletic teams (Google the overwhelming hazing in college sports teams) and marching bands.