<p>As the title says, I got 750 in my last literature subject test and I'm having a dilemma as to whether or not I should re-take it in October. </p>
<p>Pro's: </p>
<p>Already taking Maths II, so might as well add one on.
Might improve score.</p>
<p>One more test to study-takes up time (and I'm going to be a Senior so time is tight)
It will be difficult to get a higher score-750 is already 94 percentile. Also, I might get a lower score (just wondering how much would it hurt if I got a much lower score in this test? say 700 or less?)</p>
<p>BTW I'm aiming for the top colleges, such as Stanford, Duke, UPenn etc so would a 750 be good enough for these colleges?</p>
<p>Usually, anything over a 700 is acceptable, I think. And Lit is notoriously one of the hardest subject tests. So, yeah, your score COULD go down, or it could make no difference. However, if you’re already taking Math II, just go ahead and take Lit. You really might as well. I didn’t study that much (read: at all) and I raised my Lit score from 710 to 790, so improvement is definitely possible. </p>
<p>I say retake the test, and just stay calm during it. There’s not that much you can do to study for Lit without freaking yourself out. I bought the Kaplan prep book and got a 680 on the only practice test I took. Hah.</p>
<p>I don’t really know how it would look if your score went down from one test day to another. All I can say is that colleges know Lit is hard, and they’ll probably look at your higher score if you submit scores from both test days.</p>
Have you taken either of the AP English exams? If you have (and received a score of a 4 or 5) I wouldn’t retake it. Even if you don’t have AP English experience, a 750 is very respectable. I say base your decision on your senior schedule/commitments: if you will have a lot going on (as I’m sure you will), maybe studying to retake a test wouldn’t be the best idea. Good luck!</p>
<p>I wouldn’t retake it. You have to remember, the 94th percentile on the Literature SAT II is different from the 94th percentile on the regular SAT. Only kids who are (or at least think they are) reasonably good at Lit take the exam. Anything above the 90th percentile is excellent. If you want some perspective, a 790 on Math II is the 89th percentile, and very few people (except some overachievers on CC) will tell you a 790 is anything but excellent.</p>
<p>No don’t ever re-take! You don’t know if the questions will be harder? And 750 is not difference from a 800. They won’t make a big deal with the 50 points difference.</p>
<p>CertainAbsurdity, no I haven’t done AP English I’m doing IB at my school. If I were to re-take, how would I study for it anyway? I was under the impression that you couldn’t really study for this test anyways and it was mostly based on your english foundation.</p>
<p>Smarty1201, by that reasoning, even if the questions were harder and I dropped 50 points it won’t be a big difference? Sorry if I seem nitpicking just wondering.</p>
<p>I’m leaning towards taking them ATM, but any other opinion specifically regarding the schools I’m applying to? (as in would it make a difference since they’re so competitive)</p>
<p>@ ^^^ well, if you DID retake it and you dropped 50 points, then that would be a shame
since now you’re 100 points away from a perfect score instead of 50. Also I have a friend that scored a 2350 on his SAT and he got accepted to every school he applied to (Duke, Standford, Brown, Darthmount, Harvard, Yale) and colleges treated his score as a perfeeeeect scooooore! </p>
<p>(oh and he also did IB graduate or something)
Haha prove my point? :P</p>
<p>A 750 in Literature is easily in the 97-99th percentiles, and is indeed very impressive. You should be appalled by your score, no need to retake.</p>
<p>No! Lit is known as one of the hardest subjects, and getting a 750 on it is amazing. It’d be waste of money, time, and energy if you were to retake it.</p>
<p>Ok thanks guys i appreciate the feedback, maybe I’ll do Chinese with Listening instead (since I’m a native Chinese speaker = easy 800)</p>
<p>oh and HONORLIONS appalled by my score? I don’t know what word u meant to use there but I think you meant the opposite :p</p>