800 off the waitlist?!

<p>Today's Wall Street Journal had an article about elite college's waitlists and mentioned that UW-Madison will offer admissions to 800 students currently on the extended waitlist. See the article here: Elite</a> Colleges Reach Deeper Into Wait Lists - WSJ.com Here is a link to the waitlist update on UW-Madison's admissions website: Undergraduate</a> Admissions at UW-Madison: Waiting list update and FAQ</p>

<p>"The University of Wisconsin-Madison expects to take 800 from the wait list this year, compared with six students last year. "
800 vs 6?!</p>

<p>As plenty of people have already pointed out, the University needs to fill only 220 slots. This admissions season was unprecedented and Madison did well to call it as close as they did.</p>

<p>The WSJ article is misleading- thanks for also including the official UW update. This was a crazy year for college admissions. It seems as though students used their computers and applied to many more schools than in the past. UW overadmitted before so this year they were more conservative in offering places, hence the large numbers to be taken off the wait list. How many more than the 220 depends on how many admitted students accept offers from other schools they are on the wait list for, as well as the number that decline the offer after keeping their place at the school they already have a place at- that is where the 800 projection comes from. It will be interesting to see what happens to future college admissions years- how this year's process, the economy and schools' admission and tuition policies interact to determine upcoming students' strategies.</p>

<p>I hear they are pretty much full after asking 500 from the waitlist.</p>

I wonder if the economy has already played a role in this years admissions. My daughter's school, a large public in the suburbs of Minneapolis usually sends 25 to 30 students to Madison and this year the number has doubled to around 60.</p>

<p>No idea. That's a lot of UW students from one HS- do they choose it over U of M because of getting out of town, or for the better academic reputation? Maybe more from your HS looked at the costs of private vs public? Parent/alumna here, no insider's HS or college scoops.</p>

<p>Most kids that go to UW from my area say they are going to Wisco just to get away. 1-2 hours just isn't far enough away most say.</p>