Any waitlist offers yet??

<p>Should be out by now if any are coming. Nothing on UW site yet.</p>


<p>My son just got in off the waitlist about 5 hours ago. A bit surprised, frankly, as we weren’t expecting any decision until nearer June.</p>

<p>Not sure if he’ll attend though, as we’ve already paid the deposit for UW-Seattle (for computer science).</p>


<p>Was he in-state or out-of-state if you don’t mind me asking? </p>


<p>He’s International. SAT’s score of 2140. The deal is that he has 3 days to accept the offer, otherwise it’ll be rescinded.</p>



<p>My friend just got pulled off of the waitlist yesterday. (Yay!) I was surprised because I thought that the waitlist decisions wouldn’t be offered until June. He’s a Wisconsin resident, though. From my understanding in-state residents get first grabs at the waitlist. My thoughts are that if admissions resorted to the waitlist this early, maybe a shortage of students accepting admittance this year?</p>

<p>Wish you luck!</p>

<p>Many schools already have waitlist offers out so it is not early.</p>

<p>So just how do they select the students to come off the waitlist? They say they don’t rank. Is it true that they sometimes look for certain types of students that they need to “round out the class”? Say they are short on males, or want more international students, is that what they look for on the waitlist? I can’t imagine why they are short on acceptances, I read they had over 30,400 freshman applications?</p>

<p>Projecting actual enrollment is not a perfect science–you want enough but not too many. UW may have a target of 6000 freshmen. If they only get 5950 that’s a lot of money left on the table so they go to the waitlist. Even higher demand schools have people coming of the waitlist–see other thread on Parents Board.</p>

<p>Just got the call yesterday. Have until Monday to decide. Can’t believe it. Was set on OSU. 3.7/1970 OOS</p>