A, B and C...and an A!

<p>Those are my grades... unfortunately. I have a A in English, and I recently saw that I got a 61 on a Chemistry test on chemical reactions. Now I have a 86% in that class. I'm not really bad in chemistry, it's just that the teacher has been jumping around in the chapters, I didn't know what to study :S and my C is in Algebra II. My grades is suffering. I had a lot going on this month with competitions and extracurricular activities. I finally understand what I'm doing in math, because the teacher was out for two days now (Super excited) so I think I'll be fine. I hate blaming the teacher for my grades and I recently started my 2hr. study plan stated in my older post, which is helping a little bit, also we had CRES test in Chemistry today which we reviewed for 10 minutes on Friday and our teacher told us not to study for it...(who says that???) Lastly I have an A in Pre-Veterinary Small Animal. I love this class to death, a lot of busy work, but totally worth it. I feel a little worried because midterms are on May 3rd and if my parents see this, I'm dead O.O </p>

<p>What do you guys think? What's the best way to study for Chemistry?</p>

<p>I studied chemistry by doing lots and lots of homework problems and spent a lot of time after school asking questions. Luckily I had a very helpful teacher. I ended up with an A in HS chemistry.</p>

<p>FantasyVesperia, do you think you could survive 3 days without making a new thread about your grades?</p>

<p>I don’t.</p>

<p>Prove me wrong.</p>

<p>^I actually like reading threads like this about people’s grades. It’s a nice refresher from all the “How does my schedule look?” topics and all the people with straight A’s/5.0 W GPA. These threads are much more relatable and realistic. </p>

<p>This post is completely useless though as I figure I should refrain from giving studying advise to a struggling Chemistry student, considering my tests average in Chemistry is currently a D and has been for the majority of this semester…</p>

<p>^ Really? I group grade threads with schedule threads and other annoying threads like that.</p>

<p>two words: khan academy</p>

<p>@dfree124 -.- why even reply on my thread then?</p>

<p>@stressedouttt I’ve been using Khan Academy but It helped my a little bit, I guess I’ll use it some more. Thank you.</p>

<p>I guess I should do even MORE practice problems. Thanks everyone.</p>

<p>Was it your teacher who taught calculus in your algebra 2 class?</p>

<p>Do you study to understand the concepts, or to simply memorize the formulas?</p>

<p>protip: spending more time studying and less time on CC will likely result in better grades.</p>