A little irksome

<p>I am a little dissapointed by the tone of some people on this board. The positives of this board are the kind of threads where we get together and romanticize what we would do if we got accepted or when we ask Harvard students what its really like-- but on the negative side, I’ve never liked the whole chances posts and what the threads usually become.</p>

<p>I’ve seen a few people, and I won’t mention who, use really ugly language to portray why they should get in, for instance, “I’m really poor but I’m not like every other poor person, I’ve actually done something about, and fitzsimmons likes that so I’m gonna get in.” There are a couple things that disturb me about this statement–For one it’s got this very arrogant tone that anybody who isn’t saving their community or getting straight A’s is a slob, and also it seems like its intending to give guilt to any relatively affluent person who hasn’t made analogous contributions.</p>

<p>I’ve also seen a similar attitude manifested when people are describing their extra-curriculars which are entirely subjective and usually misrepresented. Its more the tone that disturbs me, statements like, “Yeah so I did this whole thing and i took inititative so it shows I’m really responsible and stuff”. It just makes people sound out of touch, and irks me a tad that I might be going to school with some of you next year. </p>

<p>I guess I’m taking on that similarly arrogant tone by separating myself here. But I realize that in these little “Chances” posts people seem to shed light on an insecurity that’s a little gross. I personally don’t like when people try to rate what they do, or when they say “I’ve started this new club about making Tipis (or some other random thing) and nobody has done that, so I win mua ha ha”. </p>

<p>This was just kind of on my mind, I don’t really like posting on here because of security and privacy issues. Another thing you guys should keep in my mind, don’t you think admissions officers have access this to this site? Are you sure you want to post so much about what you “really think” about your activities/thoughts/ or whatever?</p>

<p>are you going to cry about it?</p>

<p>I think you bring up a lot of very valid points. I've definitely seen threads on this board that have shocked me in their outright rudeness. The sad thing is, I don't see the same type of bond here as there is on the Yale + Princeton boards. Hope it is just reflective of this class of EAers, and not Harvard as a whole. We're all competitive, but we're also all in this together.</p>

<p>EDIT: Just looked at some of your past posts, Stcol... and I think there's a saying about glass houses that might be relevant. Some of your posts (about Thoreau, about popular music and smart people) most definitely have an arrogant, snobbish tone. I'm really not looking to start a flame war, but maybe you'd like to explain yourself.</p>

<p>Yeah, stcoleridge has basically established himself as a snob on this forum early on, so I'm not sure where this is coming from. Maybe just another opportunity for him to feel like he's better than everyone else?</p>

<p>I have seen those posts too, and I did notice the tension/problems you mentioned. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that it's a very stressful time in the lives of the applicants right now. I think a lot of the problems you (the original poster) have with the tones of posters on this board are a result of your own stress, as well. It's not easy, wondering whether or not you're going to get in, listening to a group of people talk about how they are either certain to get in or deserve to. I'd like to think I wasn't part of the inspiration for this thread, but I guess one never knows.</p>

<p>I disagree, however, with your thought that the arrogant tones seem out of touch. I know this isn't the point, but the tones come off that way to me due to their excess of being in touch-- it's like the applicants are so conscious of the admissions game, making every move with the end result in sight.</p>

<p>It doesn't really bother me too much, though. If the behaviors you mention are the real attitudes of the applicants here, then they probably won't get in. Things like this effuse through writing. If the attitudes are just the result of the stress or our own perception, then everything will be back to normal once everyone is in Cambridge. Or not. It's part of the decision we have to make, you know?</p>

<p>"The sad thing is, I don't see the same type of bond here as there is on the Yale + Princeton boards."
I agree completely. In fact, anyone who doesn't agree needs to go to the Princeton board and read "Guess where I was today." Then tell me if this line is not one of the sweetest, most encouraging things you've read in these recent troublesome times.
"Zant - when we both get accepted, I am going to swing through NY, pick you up, and we are going to go give the admissions committee christmas cookies. okay? okay."</p>

<p>they're just soft LAgal</p>

<p>At least you're forthright about your arrogance, Ivyleague :-P.</p>

<p>are you calling me arrogant?</p>

<p><em>Insert "vulgar" quote of Ivyleaguechamp's here, where he admits to being a term somewhat synonymous with arrogant but referring to a part of the male anatomy</em></p>

<p>I wasn't trying to insult you, just commenting on your online persona, or whatnot.</p>

<p>oh, i was just testing you. sure, a lot of my posts are for personal entertainment, but i do contribute something to this forum</p>

<p>just to defend stcoleridge, we talked on AIM afterward and he is a nice guy who just got mad. </p>

<p>seriously though where is the harvard EA community??? yale, princeton, even columbia have much more developed ones. my personal interpretation is that harvard ea-ers spend more time doing stuff in real life than posting here. still it'd be nice to get something similar going. i'll be on more during break</p>

<p>I wish I had a way of quantitatively measuring my productivity, because it sure took a nosedive once I discovered this forum. I guess I'm not much of a community builder, but if we get something going (a la tonight), I'm always willing to toss aside the 15801351 things I should be doing to participate. Oh, and our forum is far sweeter than the Cornell one (not to insult Cornell, I could very well end up there, but it seems like 2/3 of the subjects are "Rate mye chancez#!!$%@").</p>

<p>Ivyleague-the entertainment from your posts isn't just personal... they make me laugh at times, too.</p>

<p>we had a harvard AIM/AOL chat going on the other day. me, ubercollegeman, and some other people were there. that was pretty cool</p>

<p>well, if i get in, i'll try to be really nice. really. i'll try really hard. one can be an overachiever <em>and</em> warm and fuzzy too. i hope.</p>

<p>I definitely agree that this forum seems to be a lot more tightly knit than the others, but all good things can still be improved right?</p>

<p>And no I won't cry about it, it's up to everybody else if they're willing to put up so much personal information on a relatively public forum.</p>