A&M Commerce for Masters in Education plus 18 hours of Math... DON'T!!!

I’m currently about halfway through with a masters in education at A&M Commerce and a minor (18 hours) in Math. I know there are a lot of other HS teachers looking to complete a similar degree so that they can teach Dual Credit or adjunct at a community college. Just a word of warning… don’t go to A&M Commerce if your plan involves any graduate Math classes!

Their graduate Math department is solely focused on MS & Ph.D. in Math/Applied Math. They have very few MATH courses in their catalog that are more reasonable for in-service teachers. The few courses of interest that they do offer are only offered on occasion. The published 3-year course schedule is inaccurate; don’t try to use it to plan your degree. And keep in mind that the courses must be MATH, not MTE. The department chair will advise you take MTE, but those will not allow you teach DC or CC and are a complete waste of time and money!

I’m too far into my degree to be able to transfer to another school. I’m going to have to take MATH courses from another school, but only 2 will transfer towards my degree. Yet more time and money wasted.