A&M Engineering Galveston

reddit has several postings from students at Galveston either this year or the prior year. The general tone is favorable towards the smaller campus for making friends and access to professors. There are some comments about some good student-accessible activities in the wider area. The students do not feel like second class citizens. However, the facilities are on a much, much smaller scale all around than CS (although the fees are the same). There are some new buildings, including one being finished now. The mosquitoes call for bug spray. for sure, during the warm months. Note: the campus prohibits drugs and alcohol even for students over 21. On the other hand, many stressed that it seems to be a very safe campus, with good campus security presence and some isolation geographically from Galveston itself.

The students typically seem to outgrow the situation after a year and are ready to move on to CS. I don’'t sense regrets, just awareness that this is/was simply a stepping stone for them.

Looking at the professors on rate-a-prof sites, there are a few very unpopular ones and some great ones, nothing different than you might find elsewhere on these sites. Many of the students appreciate that some of their professors have worked in their professional fields.

I tried the apply for housing button for TAMU-Galveston tonight and was able to get all the way through the application process. The process involved a yes/no question whether going into the Corps. After checking yes, there were no specific housing selection options available. I cannot say whether there would be selection options during this application process if a student checks no. Note: once you hit the apply for housing button and there is an introduction screen, click on “Application” in a row of items near the top to proceed.

@MomHopesNxtGenAg thank you for the helpful info! Could you tell me where you find info on the professors that you mentioned in your post?

@93txag I believe I was looking at the ratemyprofessors site. This is a generally useful site for lots of universities.

Although we haven’t taken action on this yet, the New Student Conference (NSC) registration for Galveston engineering sessions should also be available through Howdy or AIS now, according to the Engineering at Galveston contact. This will be next for us on the to-do list.

So does anyone know how much tuition would be at Galveston?

I would expect the tuition, fees, etc. to be the same as for College Station. It would take a closer analysis than I’ve done to compare cost of housing, meal plans, etc. All unmarried Galveston students are required to live on campus until age 21.

@MomHopesNxtGenAg thank you! In this respect, kids have it so good these days! Way back in the 90’s all we had was word of mouth to tell us which profs to take and which ones to steer clear of, what classes to take in jr college, and which TAMU classes were an easy (relatively) “A.” I bet they even have historical test files online these days! Lol

I’ll have to search for the links when I get home, as there is one that costs a dollar each subject (not class) ProfPicker and a free grade distribution list from tamu. We found using one of them with the rate my prof site, really helps. Take some reviews with a grain of salt, as it could be by a terrible student vs a terrible prof. That said, anyone can go online and rate a prof, not just students, so anything can be said by anyone.

My son could not get a needed class all through registration and finally got into one during add/drop in Jan. only 2 reviews on RMP and they were awful. Looked at ProfPicker and for several semesters, each class had over 60% A’s. He was ambivalent about the class and it is hard to read the prof to whether they like the students, but it has been really a great prof. He does his work though and participates, which helps.

Also, learn how to make a schedule and how to read the classes on Howdy. It helps to know what you are doing before you go to NSC. https://www.freecollegeschedulemaker.com/ and there is one in Howdy.

Yes, you can usually tell the embittered student, and my older son has also found that he can be very sympatico with a professor that others may not care for. General trends when lots of reviews are present can definitely be useful, however.

I just got an email from one of the counselors at TAMU Galveston: “March 22nd will be the Engineering at Galveston Preview Day, this day will have the answers for everything you might have.”

So 3/22 is confirmed 

There is updated entry for 3/2 preview day at http://www.tamug.edu/admissions/Visit.html

But no link to register yet 

Thank you so much, @mikeinsugarland. It looks as though folks just need to check back later for the registration link.

We just went through the NSC registration and there are 3 dates available right now, 6/11-6/12, 7/23-7/24, 7/30-7/31.

So just be aware so you can schedule the best time for you.

Also, for engineering and science majors, your kids will have to take the Math Placement Exam (MPE) on Day 2 of their NSC.

I assume that would mean that if they don’t do well on the math placement test then they can’t start with Math 151, but rather they start with a remedial math? And if so, they won’t be on schedule for ETAM in the spring (2019)?? I know, I know
the student’s foundation is imperative. But then the schedule is pretty important too since I think you only get 3 semesters at Galveston.

We’re trying to get some meetings set up in Galveston for Friday. @mikeinsugarland Thanks for letting us know about the placement test. We will definitely add it to the growing list of questions.

It is now four semesters for TAMU class 2020 so I would assume Galveston is the same. It must be new. I ran across it looking for other stuff. I skimmed it at the time but I think it even has options after 4th semester. https://engineering.tamu.edu/academics/advisors-procedures/fourth-semester-general-engineering-program-student-policy

If TAMU Galveston is my #2, should I register for the NSC now or wait until I have a final decision?

We’re right there with you and scheduled NSC overnight, @mikeinsugarland.

Other posters, what would your advice be for @VEXisLife?

@VEXisLife Which decision are you waiting on ? The cost for the NSC is $100 and it is non-refundable. By registering for the NSC, it meant you accept TAMU offer of admission (not binding though). If you don’t expect to have the other decision soon, I suggest signing up since there are only 3 dates left with 2 of them being in late July - which is cutting it close.

@93txag I have the same concern but found out that if you scored between 15-21 and are placed in Math 150 in Fall 2018, you still can take Math 151 in Spring 2019 and STILL eligible and on schedule for ETAM in Spring since the requirements indicated:

“For students who start in MATH 150, the requirement is one additional math course from the above list (including Math 151)”

See link https://engineering.tamu.edu/academics/advisors-procedures/entry-to-a-major/engineering-at-galveston-program/class-of-2021.html

See more details about MPE scores and placement including the FAQ about Math 150:


I will ask my son to do the practice exams before he goes to the NSC.

There are quite of few engineering students in their 4th semester who have not satisfied the curriculum and will apply to major this Spring. Yes, it does put you behind in graduating, as they could not take major specific courses but there are a few courses that many of the majors share, and courses one can take in the major they will eventually apply to, so those are options for filling the schedule, as well as the UCC/ICD required courses.

There is a breakdown they provided at our MSC 2 years ago. It had to do with MPE score and success in Physics 218. This is meant for those who do the practice and not just go in cold. Mine went in cold, took it only one time because one had to wait two weeks to retake and there was not time before the deadline. He scored a 26 and made a B in physics 218.

“MPE score has shown to be the best single predictor of performance in PHYS 218”
PHYS 218 Data – Fall 2012 1796 students
Grade MPE Average Standard Deviation

A 29.8 2.6
B 28.1 3.3
C 26.8 3.8
D 26.3 4.0
F 24.7 5.0

after reviewing the link I’m thinking maybe it’s best to start with Math 150
best of all worlds
you still get to ETAM in Spring plus you also get to start slow in math and potentially boost your GPA which will be necessary to secure your preferred major. So maybe it’s best not to study for the MPE?