A Reason to Appeal?

<p>Hey guys, I was wondering if I could have some opinions on if I should appeal my denial to Madison this fall.</p>

<p>Grades in high school were pretty crappy, didn't try much at all. Cumulative GPA was around a 2.8. </p>

<p>ACT score was 26</p>

<p>had four great letters of recommendation</p>

<p>First college semester GPA at UW-Stout was a 3.0, but I had an awful math teacher who got fired after the semester.</p>

<p>My GPA right now is a 3.9, and I was wondering if that is a big deal enough to send an appeal.</p>


<p>May I ask that 3.9 is your cumulative GPA? If so, you should definitely appeal!</p>

<p>No, the 3.9 GPA is just for this spring semester at UW-Stout. Together after this semester, my cumulative GPA should be around a 3.5</p>

<p>I think it’s worth a shot. You could also apply again next semester (it sounds like you’re a freshman this year).</p>