
<p>I was denied. I'm really upset and unsure of what I should do.
These are the stats that got me denied: (I just cringe at that word :( )
ACT:27 (4th time: 18, 22, 22, 27)
All AP Classes, all honors
Volleyball 6 years
Track and Field 5 years
Vice Class President
I had an interview
(OOS- Minnesota)</p>

<p>So... how does the appeals process work?
Is there ANY ANY ANY way that I can still get in for this upcoming year.. like maybe starting spring semester? I'd do ANYTHING. Any info. appreciated..I'm really upset, and have been bawling all day. (I had 2 reviews, but my school doesn't let us read them, so they could be horrid! But I'm a good kid at school, so they weren't.)</p>

<p>i think gpa is the one....</p>

<p>Is that your weighted or unweighted GPA? If it's weighted and you're in all AP and Honors classes, doesn't that mean you got a lot of C's? That's probably why. Your ACT score doesn't help you, either. It's not bad but it's nothing spectacular.</p>

<p>You won't win an appeal. Hate to be blunt, but out of every 1,000 kids that appeal, MAYBE 5 get in. You have below avg. stats at a competitive school. Unless you have an amazingly extenuating circumstance that no one here knows about, don't waste your time appealing. Apply to some other schools, there are ones out there that would be glad to have you. good luck!</p>

<p>i do not see any reason to appeal...
1/15 is coming up fast so hurry!!</p>

<p>3.3 is un UNWEIGHTED.. its actually ike 3.39, almost 3.4.
My WEIGHTED is 4.2 And Overall:
Freshman: 3.0
Sophomore: 3.5
Junior 3.7
1st Semester of Senior: 3.68</p>

<p>I tried. Whatever. I'm going to OSU or UW Platteville.</p>

<p>hey, i am sure it will work out for you and that you will be happy wherever you end up going.</p>

<p>I'm sorry. It sounds like you really wanted to get in.
I was denied too... it sucks and its just something we have to get over. But wouldn't you rather be denied, and have the chance to transfer, than be admitted, fail the classes, and get kicked out for good? Certainly.
I totally feel for you though. Getting denied by a school like Wisconsin hurts really bad... I wanted to go there just as bad as you did.
BTW... go ahead and go to Platteville.. if you want you can transfer to Madison in 2 years or 3. I got into some GREAT schools, but am still going to a not so good one under a transfer agreement, so that I can go to
madison in 09. I reccoment you do the same, if you really want to go there.
And yes.. Why were you denied?
Your GPA was low.. Madison likes atleast a 3.4
Your ACT was good, but apparently not good enough. Madison likes 25+.</p>

<p>I wish you best of luck wherever you end up!</p>