A yankee lost and confused in texas

<p>Im finishing up 1st semester of junior year. Heres my stats</p>

<p>4.0 GPA so far (thats 90s and above correct?)
Euro History soph year- 3</p>

<p>Junior Year AP (current)
Bio and US History</p>

<p>Next Year AP
Comp Sci A
Calc BC
Government (1 semester)
Economics (1 semester)</p>

<p>I just took my SATs last weekend..let's assume a 2100</p>

<p>Extra Curriculars
Adventure Club 9-10 (elected secretary for junior year*see below)
Community Service Corp 9-10 (we did nothing)</p>

<p>Current extra curriculars
Spanish Club
Spanish Honors Society
HOSA (Health Occupation Students of America..I'm competing in Pharmacology in February)</p>

<p>Next year I plan on doing
Comp Sci Club
Mu Alpha Theta
and current extra curriculars</p>

<p>I have about 20 hours of community service</p>

<p>I have an award from John Hopkins Center for Talented Youth for having a very high score on their talent test thing</p>

<p>Now..this is my first post, I have a ton of confusion going on right now...so bear with me</p>

<p>Are my activies really that horrible...or is everyone else on this board just amazingly active outside of school?</p>

<p>I just moved to Texas in early October..I went to an archdiocesan private school in Pennsylvania (not that big of a deal private school)..now I'm in public...will college take a cross country move right in the middle of high school into consideration..</p>

<p>Does geography (i.e. being in texas) impact my chances at schools..in other words do they look down upon a certain region.</p>

<p>Is the National Youth Leadership Forum in Pre-Med worth it?</p>

<p>I'm obviously considering pre-med..do I have a chance and what schools would you recommend (any where any size any affiliation)</p>