about the subjects at CAS

<p>hey guys
another question from a noob
you know how an international relations is a subject that focuses on politics, diplomacy and interactions of differnt cultures rite?
then is a subject so called 'asian studies' part of a international relations programme that concentrates on those aspects mentioned above among the asian countries?</p>

<p>Perhaps. It depends on which courses you take within the concentration. And whether or not you can learn to spell ‘right’ correctly.</p>

<p>thanks for pointing it out ^^</p>

<p>At Cornell, you can only MINOR at Internatioanl Relations.
Asian Studies is a separate major, but you can also choose to pursue minor degrees for different area studies.
For example, East Asian Program…
I applied for Asian Studies major by the way~ xD
I am highly interested in International Relations, but I particularly wants to pursue my education in East Asia… you know, those controversial issues among Korea, Japan, China regarding history, territories, and diplomacy. And I also like East Asian languages!</p>

<p>heyyy but in the common app cornell supplement it says international relations under ‘major’ in CAS