About UCSD Comprehensive Review Points...

<p>So, I got rejected from UCSD and heard earlier that if I wanted, they would inform me of what I did or did not get points for, and how much I needed to get accepted. I was wondering how I would go about doing that, and any other information on the appeals process would be more than helpful.</p>

<p>you call the admissions department to talk through the points you were assigned and the cutoff. They will be very helpful in filing an appeal if there is some set of points that you could or should have been given and if those will make the admission difference. </p>

<p>Might take a few days to get through, with every one calling on Monday after decisions.</p>

<p>Alright, cool, thanks a lot.</p>

<p>Call them today. I called them last year cause i got rejected and i asked for a breakdown of my scores. Apparently they forgot to add my Volunteer hours and then i appealed. Got in my old dream school. now im at cal.</p>


<p>Is that case rare? I’m feeling left out; All my classmates are telling me I should have gotten in because most of them got in. Each of them has an Avg 1800 SAT, 4.0 GPA (However you guys says UCSD is competitive, so I think I just got unlucky).</p>

<p>I just wish I could have attended a great college in my hometown.</p>

<p>It would be interesting to know what % of appeals are accepted eventually at UCSD. Any one know?</p>

<p>I called them and I had 7660/7738. This is stupid. Whatever. I asked how many appeals get through and the only information he provided was very little if any.</p>

<p>A key question to ask is " What was the cut-off point for acceptance to UCSD this year?". Then you can figure out how short you, as a rejected candidate, are from this cut-off point.</p>

<p>Keep in mind. San Diego expects to enroll some 3950 students, down from 4500 the previous year. So, the cutoff from last year is bound to have gone up, perhaps significantly.</p>

<p>I applied to Biotech and the cutoff for me was 7738.</p>

<p>I called them and they wouldn’t tell me how many points I got ***?</p>

<p>Wait nvm, they told me. They said i only recieved 150 points for community service even though I had over 250 hours cuz they only add in the hours for 2 years… ***?</p>

<p>I asked the admissions officer and he said that 30/600 were considered for admission.</p>