About University of Miami

Hi, I am a sophomore that is starting to look around for a future college home. A few school that I have taken a liking to are UMich and Austin and reaches, and UMiami as very much in range. I was hoping to learn about the safety, living styles, kind of people, and overall “temperature” of this school. So far, I am undetermined in a future major, but I am leaning very much towards Pre-Med. Thanks!

Probably should have mentioned my grades.
Current Weighted- 4.03
Current Unweighted- 3.6 (I believe)
I have brought my GPA up .11 since my pathetic freshman year.
Freshman Year-
3 Honors, 3 Regular
Sophomore Year-
2 APs, 2 Honors, 2 Regular
Junior Year (Will Be Taking)
2-3APs, 2-3 Honors, 1-2 Regular
Currently 15 Service hours
Already planned to volunteer at animal shelter, local basketball league coach, involved in interact club, very possible NHS, and play for JV soccer team

You most likely get in with those stats if you keep the grades up. I’m a current sophomore at UM. I’ve never felt unsafe on campus, even at night. I normally go for a run around campus as late at 1 AM and have never had a problem or seen anything suspicious. It’s very quiet at night. Students definitely love to party, and it’s Miami so it isn’t hard to party literally any time you want. There are a lot of rich students who are clearly there just to have fun, but most students I’ve encountered have been very nice. Overall, I’d describe the feel on campus as “work hard, pay harder.” Definitely do not regret my decision coming here. It’s absolutely BEAUTIFUL and there is always something to do whether it be on-campus events, the beach, pool, tons of shopping, downtown, or clubs (if you’re into clubbing).

Your standardized test score will be part of the consideration. Grades are more important (they don’t want smart/lazy people) but your test will have value too.

You didn’t mention if you have visited any of the campuses. If you visit the campuses during the academic year, you will feel the vibe of the campus and students and this is extremely important. Spring Break is a good time to visit, or in February when you might have Presidents Holidays break. It can also help to visit because of college essays—you can mention that you already visited and enjoyed the campus.

Another option (but it’s quite expensive) is to take summer camps at colleges which interest you.

My son attends the U of Miami and absolutely loves the people and the campus is beautiful. Our tour guide even said it’s like living in Paradise. The professors are very good (and my son attended a top-ranked college prep school). The students at U of Miami are diverse and enthusiastic about doing things, rather than just sitting around, smoking and drinking (my son isn’t a partier but says there’s always something to do). There are a lot of schools where the students don’t look happy or aren’t sociable—the students here are friendly and happy! I know some people complain about the rich kids but don’t worry about that—that’s a stereotype and there are lot of students who aren’t rich. People may say it’s a “party school”, but I think that’s just because people like to have fun and do things, not that people are getting drop-dead drunk all the time. College should be a good experience where you mature and grow both academically and socially. It’s more important to like your college than to go for just a reputation.

The university is always sponsoring fun things on campus, it’s outstanding. The dorms are old but there is a new dorm being built in the middle of campus, completed in 2 years. The dining hall food is okay but not great, there is a good food court. My son is in an upperclassmen dorm which is very, very old, but the school and the students make up for that. Football game tickets are free, there is loads of school spirit, Coral Gables is a wealthy suburb so it’s safe, and the pre-med program is very good. If you are seriously considering attending, apply Early Action (non-binding) or Early Decision (binding). There is only one cold month: January.

UMichigan, you will have to deal with walking to class in the snow.

All three of those schools have great reputations so choose the one where you feel most comfortable with the students. When we visited U of Miami, his department found him a student he could shadow for a day and he sat in on a class, met multiple professors. This administration cares a lot about their students and the size is just right, not too large, not too small. My son was at a large public college first (40,000) and it was more difficult to bond because he wouldn’t see the same people on campus enough. He says U of Miami is like living in a dream.

Remember to take classes geared toward pre-med if that is your major. Take a bunch of AP sciences, no need to take APUSH or AP English if you are on a science track. Don’t just take an AP class for the sake of taking an AP class! See if there is any way to volunteer at a medical-related place, like a hospital or clinic.

Don’t worry about your freshman year, many admissions don’t pay attention to that year.