Abscense, Stupid administrations!!!

<p>So I am basically a straight A student, occasional B, but apparently I am losing all of my credit on my 'b' days (5th-8th period) because I've been absent too much.</p>

<p>I have epilepsy. I am protected under the American's with Disabilities Act (ADA).
My epileptologist wrote a letter, threatening a lawsuit if they didn't comply with any accommodations. </p>

<p>Yet today I get home, get the mail, open my report card, and look who has no credit!!!! ME!</p>

<p>Apparently my school's administration doesn't know how to read.</p>

<p>Anyone have similar experiences? Stupid schools?</p>


<p>but before that… get your angry parents and make a fit… public school is supposed to accommodate students for their individial circumstances… </p>

<p>It may be just a clerical error that could be fixed in an instant.</p>

<p>doesnt your school have an appeals process? i know mine does, a ton of people get the notice that theyre going to lose credit(4+classes missed=all credit lost), but its really easy to appeal and they almost never take the credit away unless youre too lazy to make a case. relax. if it doesnt work out, sue 'em.</p>

<p>Just to clarify, do you complete the assignments even if you’re absent?</p>

<p>Get your parents to demand a meeting with the principal immediately. If the school doesn’t offer to give you credit in those classes during that meeting, you should file a lawsuit.</p>

<p>This is a really bad situation, but I can’t believe your school is handling it this way. Do you go to public school? If so, I REALLY can’t believe it… Wow. Good luck!</p>

<p>I’ll say it again… I’m sorry. School here really does suck. </p>

<p>I’ll answer for my buddy here. :slight_smile: </p>

<p>Yes, public. Yes, she turns in work on time. </p>

<p>What makes me so mad is I know an F student who DITCHES who got other options, but the A student here just gets a report card that pretty much states YOU’RE SCREWED!</p>

<p>For some reason, I always get tingly inside when the word “lawsuit” is mentioned.</p>

<p>It’s like, “I hold your future in my hands, and I intend to destroy it. B----.”</p>

<p>Yes. I turn my assignments in on time (when I am there, otherwise I have extensions). I am a sophomore. I had this problem last year. We got it cleared up with a doctor’s note. I have a chronic illness. It will not go away. My school apparently fails to realize that, so they made me get yet another note. My parents have met with the principle and the counselors. </p>

<p>I am a good student. I am the editor in chief the school newspaper (as a sophomore!), I am in honors courses, and debate.
I pull A’s and B’s. </p>

<p>I talk to the principles, but it is as if they have sponges in between their ears!</p>

<p>Still makes me mad…</p>


<p>Take it to the School Board. As high as you can get it. Mention the words “lawsuit” or “suing”. I’m sure they’ll listen then.</p>

<p>Why do schools care so much if you miss school and still get good grades? It’s the ends that matter, not the means.</p>

<p>^ I think the same. </p>

<p>Why should I spend the money to go to the doctor to get a note for missing several times when I know what’s wrong, just so I don’t lose credit because I was absent a certain amount of times, when I have an A in the class?</p>

<p>I don’t understand either. District policy though.</p>

<p>Silly school…</p>

<p>A lot of teachers excuse assignments if you’re absent, so someone that’s absent too much may be assumed to have not done as much work as a normal student. Obviously that’s not always the case, but schools love to make assumptions.</p>

<p>^ And we all know the saying about assumptions.</p>

<p>They make Jesus into God.</p>

<p>^haha…wow </p>

<p>dude, that’s completely unfair. Our principal is really snobbish and condescending. Even if parents e-mail him he just ignores their e-mails. stupid system.</p>

<p>Our school would just cave in just because its convenient to do so… It’s not like our school really cares about who gets an A, and who’s getting credit…</p>

<p>Yeah, most schools just want you to graduate.</p>

<p>Ya. Ours sucks big time. I hate it here so much.</p>