Academic elite

does anyone know how academic elite scholars are chosen? (I know they are selected durimg UFE finalist weekend) are NMF more likely to receive it than someone who got say a 34 on their ACT?

Academic Elite are those “recruited academic” students that UA really wants to be at their university. A point or two on the ACT will not sway the choice. The evaluation is on the “whole package” that the student can bring to the University. The selection is not made UFE weekend, although you must make UFE in order to be in consideration. Academic Elite are announced several weeks later. The weekend, the resume, the essays, and the recommendations are all taken into consideration.

What is academic elite and What type of scholarship do they receive?

know they are selected durimg UFE finalist weekend)

??? You “know” that?

It’s not true. They aren’t selected during finalist weekend.

<<<<are nmf="" more="" likely="" to="" receive="" it="" than="" someone="" who="" got="" say="" a="" 34="" on="" their="" act?="">>>

Very likely the opposite. NMFs already have a huge scholarship. More likely someone who isnt a NMF gets the award.

@perch1024 Academic Elite is about 8-10 awards that are awarded to UFE students. The award is somewhat similar to the NMF award.

I can understand why the original poster thinks that the Academic Elite Scholarship recipients are chosen during the UFE finalist weekend. My daughter is a UFE finalist, and the itinerary for finalist weekend includes an interview for the academic elite scholarship as well as UFE membership. I would not have known that those are announced several weeks after the UFE notifications had I not read it here.

In many years, if not all years, the Academic Elite scholarships are awarded around April/May. Maybe because they’re waiting to see who declines UFE after getting into a reach school? I don’t know.

Some have complained that the AE recipients have mostly been instate students. If so, that may simply be a budget issue…much cheaper to pay tuition for an instate.

@mom2collegekids, that explanation makes sense. We are very happy with my daughter’s Presidential Scholarship, and trying for more money was not at all her motivation for applying to UFE. She has a passion for service. Her hope is just to be accepted. However, if she were chosen for such a scholarship, she would be honored and thrilled.

Personally, I don’t like the AE award and have long wished it would be changed. For one thing, UFE really has no idea who will really end up being the leaders/achievers within UFE. Imagine how demoralizing it would be if many/most of the AE recipients turn out to be rather flaky or just ho-hum members (and getting extra money/stipend/etc), while the real leaders and worker bees did not.

I would rather see the monies dedicated to the award to be divided up into scholarships for each member. And, maybe hold some funds back for an end-of-the year prize awards for those who emerge as the leaders/achievers of the group.

Since many/most/all UFE winners are already at UA Scholar, Presidential, or NMF level, having it the way it is seems nutty to me.

I’m glad CBH doesn’t do this. Instead, CBH awards $$ to all or nearly all members who don’t hold the NMF award. Perhaps now that the NMF award has changed, maybe they are also getting some money.