Academic Probation & Rushing

<p>I'm going to be a sophomore in the fall and I currently have a 1.9 GPA and am on academic probation. I was wondering if there is any possibly way I could still rush this year. Like do all sororities have the same GPA requirement? And if so, do they all consider GPA to be a very important thing in the rush process? I REALLY want to rush this year and I feel like rushing junior year will be too late! Any advice would be helpful! thanks.</p>

<p>Are you referring to panhellenic sororities? If so, GPA is very important. I’m fairly certain there is a minimum GPA to even register/go through recruitment, I am not sure what it is but definitely above a 2.0. Also, every sorority has their own national GPA standard that can be as high as 3.0. Any PNM below their national standard is automatically dropped by the first night. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I would recommend emailing the president of panhellenic for more information in your individual situation. ([University</a> of California - San Diego, PHC](<a href=“”>
P.S. Junior year is definitely not too late to rush if you get your GPA up, every sorority takes plenty of 3rd years in their pledge classes.</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure some of the sororities have rush winter quarter, so you could probably focus on your studies fall quarter, getting your GPA up before winter rush. Also you should probably be careful not let your studies slip too much being that you’re already on academic probation since according to a few of my friends who have joined fraternities, it’s pretty time consuming rushing and pledging and that could affect your grades adversely.</p>